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On the very bottom between primary & secondary.

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Q: Where is the starter on a 1997 polaris explorer 300?
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To remove the started on a Polaris 300 Explorer ATV first open the hood. Locate the started which will be up against the wall near the driver's side and remove the screws. You can now install a new started.

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Is a 1997 Polaris 300 xplorer 4x4 a 2 stroke?

Yes ,it is a 2-stroke

What is the oil mixture for a 1995 Polaris 300 sportsman?

Idon't know about a 1995 Polaris 300 Sportsman, but I have a 2008 Polaris 300 Sportsman and the main particular oil I use for mine is Polaris brand oil. If your not satisfied with my answer, call your Polaris Company.

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Where do the hoses go on 1995 polaris 300 explorer carburetor go?

There are three hoses on a Polaris 300 carburetor. The fuel line is the large one. One is a vent hose that goes nowhere, and the oil injector line connects to the small hose connector on the right side, nearest to the air intake. It goes straight out.

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what do you need to know about

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It is built on the starter.