Yes it can, it really cleans out your facial pores. Your answerer, Boberta Pooplog Vaseline is a petroleum product. All oils dry out your skin. The same with mineral oil. these two are used in skin care products because they are cheap, not because they work. Finding products without them is a challenge. Vaseline coats the skin and acts like a protectant and works well in that regards as it is waterproof. But the negative effects far overwhelm the positive......from oilcanracer
The present perfect form of the verb "to be" is "have been" or "has been", depending on the subject. For example: "I have been," "You have been," "He/She/It has been," "We have been," "You have been," "They have been."
Been. (to be - I/he/she/it was (we/you/they were) - been
Yes, the verb 'been' (the past participle of the verb to be) is used as part of a verb phrase with one or more other verbs.Examples:How have you been? (you have been how)I have been fine.We had been on vacation.She had been a dancer.He's been working at the plant. (has been working)We've been hoping to see you. (have been hoping)
There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012There have been 5:19841990200120072012
"Has been" is used with third person singular subjects (he, she, it) in the present perfect tense. For example, "He has been working hard." "Have been" is used with first person singular/plural (I, we) and second person singular/plural (you) subjects in the present perfect tense. For example, "I have been studying for the exam."
"Has been decided" is the correct form. For example, "The matter has been decided."
Daaa... My desire has been and my desires have been.
either been as in I have been to the shops or bean as in a runner bean
have been completed
When do we use has been and have been?