

Best Answer

Most theaters run ads in newspapers. You can see all the films that are playing there.

There is a ticket booth by the door. Go to the ticket window and tell clerk how many tickets you want and tell her the name of the film. (child's tickets are discounted, matinee's are discounted).

When you go through the door, a ticket taker will either be there or at the other end of the lobby. You won't be able to miss him. He will tear your ticket in half and give half back to you. He will tell you which direction your theater is, just go in and find a seat anywhere you like.

You can buy food in the lobby before you go in the theater or anytime during the film.

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Answer 1Your answer comes without any statistical evidence to support its premise. It's possible that this is simply an observation you've made of the television and films that you've watched.That said, a screenwriter's job is to tell a story in a short period. In terms of ways to maximize time, it's possible that a more predictable religion could be more useful. The Roman Catholic Church is fairly standard in its world-wide structure; Judaism has three -- some say -- structures, while protestant covers most every other Christian religion.If religion informs a character's motives or actions, the screenwriter might pick an easy-to-appreciate connection by naming a commonly-understood religion.Answer 2Assuming that the assertion is correct, it would not be surprising. The United States tries to explain differences between minorities by having a larger percentage of minorities in television series to promote familiarity with them and help accept them. In addition to Jews and Catholics being prominent on television series, it is almost "required" to have at least one Black character or an Indian (from Asia) character. Many series, especially cop shows, will also have a Hispanic character. Finally, if a TV show is set in an exotic place (like Hawaii or a foreign country), they will have people endemic to that region as well to promote cultural exposure. Admittedly, the minorities featured on television are, generally speaking, people with the same characteristics and perspectives on life, government, and religion as the majority-WASP characters (as opposed to having fundamentally different views more indicative of being "foreign").

What is the best way to install a toilet a shower and sink in your shop which already has a concrete floor and the main drain is 50 feet away?

Answer 1Your biggest concern is the toilet which automatically requires a minimum drop below floor level, and then at least a sixteenth of an inch per foot slope to the nearest sanitary sewer drain hook up. You should consult a local licensed and insured plumbing contractor for advice as local codes prevail. Apart from that, there will be sawcutting and removal of the slab to accomodate the required trenching for piping. The "best" way is to contact a reputable plumbing contractor.Answer 2the best way would be to hire a licensed plumber to do the job, but basicly you would start by saw cutting the cement where all the plumbing is going to go. then run the drain outside (don't forget the water lines).then tie in the water line to an existing line(this can be done inside or outside).then determine if your new drain will tie into your existing drain(you will need 1" fall per foot on your drain.if it will not make you will need to install a lift station(a system for pumping waste uphill). Answer 3It's possible that different areas have different "fall" rates, but I thought it was one quarter inch of fall per ten feet of run.j3h ANS 4 - I would build a 7" high sub floor, the size of your prospective toilet/shower room. This way you wouldn't have to break any concrete. Plan the drains to run outside the wall under the new wood floor and then into the ground immediately outside the wall. Run them underground to your main drain. I've done 3 this way and it works well. 7 " gives room for a 90 degree bend right under the toilet, and room for a sanitary trap under the shower, then run shower drain to toilet drain before it exits the shop. -You don't need anything like 1" per foot fall !