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Act in haste, repent at leisure means that if we act without thinking we could make a big mistake. And, if we do make a big mistake, we may have to live with being sorry for it for a long time. There are various versions of this saying. One that is famous is, marry in haste, repent in leisure.

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Who said Act in Haste repent at your leisure?

Anyone with common sense

What are some quotes about haste?

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence." (Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata", 1927)"Haste makes waste". (English proverb)

What happens when you are impatient and try to rush something?

There is an old English saying seems relevant to this question. Act in haste, repent at leisure which means if you rush ahead without proper consideration of your actions, you will need plenty of time to cope with the aftermath.

Who wooed in haste and means to wed in leisure?

Taming of The Shrew by William Shakespeare KATHERINA: No shame but mine: I must, forsooth, be forced To give my hand opposed against my heart Unto a mad-brain rudesby full of spleen; Who woo'd in haste and means to wed at leisure.

What act and scene in measure for measure does the this title come from?

Act V, scene 1, by the Duke: "The very mercy of the law cries out / Most audible, even from his proper tongue, / 'An Angelo for Claudio, death for death!' / Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure; / Like doth quit like, and Measure still for Measure." It also comes from a reference to the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:1-2 : "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

What does make haste mean?

Hurry; act or go with speed.

Is haste a pronoun?

No, the word 'haste' is a noun, a word for the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner; a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'haste' is it.Example: He left in such a haste that it made him forget his glasses.

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What is the definition for leisure?

noun1. freedom from the demands of work or duty: She looked forward to retirement and a life of leisure.2. time free from the demands of work or duty, when one can rest, enjoy hobbies or sports, etc.: Most evenings he had the leisure in which to follow his interests.3. unhurried ease: a work written with leisure and grace.-adjective4. free or unoccupied: leisure hours.5. having leisure: the leisure class.6. (of clothing) suitable to or adapted for wear during leisure; casual: a leisure jacket.7. designed or intended for recreational use: leisure products like bowling balls and video games.-Idioms8. at leisure,a. with free or unrestricted time.b. without haste; slowly.c. out of work; unemployed: Because of the failure of the magazine, many experienced editors are now at leisure.9. at one's leisure, when one has free time; at one's convenience

What is the difference in repent and repentance?

"Repent" is a verb that means to feel remorse or regret for one's wrongdoing. "Repentance" is a noun that refers to the act of repenting or the state of being repentant. Essentially, repentance is the act of repenting.

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What does haste cause?

Haste makes waste is the saying