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Nation of Islam

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Q: African American group founded by Elijah Muhammad that preached black separation and self help?
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What did Elijah Muhammad did to not contribute to African American history?

what did Elijah Muhammad did to not contribute to African americanhistory

Who was the leader of the African-American Muslim movement?

The leader of the African-American Muslim movement was Elijah Muhammad.

Why was Muhammad ali important in African American history?

because ali was the 1st African American to get the title of heavy waight champion of the world

African american group founded by Elijah Muhammad?

Nation of Islam

How old is Kiara Muhammad?

Kiara Muhammad is an African-American actress and is 19 years old (birthdate December 16, 1998).

Why is Elijah Muhammad Famous?

Elijah Is A nation Of Islam Leader. Elijah Is a Black African American

Where is the Kentucky Center For African American Heritage in Louisville Kentucky located?

The address of the Kentucky Center For African American Heritage is: 1701 West Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville, KY 40203

What has the author Mary'yam T Muhammad written?

Mary'yam T Muhammad has written the book "The Quran: Purpose and Meaning."

Were Bean Pies invented by American Muslims?

No, bean pie was encouraged by Elijah Muhammad for the African American community of muslims to eat better. Not sure if he really invented it though.

Who is master WD Fard Muhammad?

The last prophet sent to the wilderness of north america to teach the african american there history which was lost from them for 400 years.

What word describes the separation of African-Americans and white people?


What is Will Smith's nationality?

African American