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Roads, Railroads, and Harbors were built


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Q: Among the positive influences of Europeans in Africa was that?
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What was a direct result of the European slave trade in Africa?

It prompted a feeling of racial superiority among Europeans.

What are positive effects on Lebanon's economy?

Being a popular tourists destination especially among the Arabs, and its unique banking system are all positive influences on Lebanon's Economy

What is the date of the European colonization of Kenya?

The first arrival of Europeans in Kenya was 1498, by the Portuguese. Permanent settlement by Europeans began with the Berlin Conference in 1885, which subdivided East Africa among the European colonialists.

Who found Vermont first?

Among the Europeans it was probably Jacques Cartier of France in 1535.

How do differences among Europeans cause conflict?

wars and sometimes treat

What was Europeans goals?

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What were the positive and negative influences that technology had on American lives in the 1990s?

The World Wide Web was a major technological advance in the 1990s. It led to the phenomenon of socializing online among people who had not met in person, which led to new friendships and to scams.

Why were Europeans so easily able to divide Africa among themselves?

It wasn't easy, there was a lot of war (eg. Boer War against dUTCH AND bRITISH, in South Africa) I am from SA ANSWER: ANywaz the point is that, European Nations were the most powerful at that time, they could take over and do whatever they wanted

What caused millions of deaths among native Americans in the years after Europeans arrived in the Americas?

Diseases, largely smallpox, brought by Europeans caused millions of deaths among the native Americans who had no resistance to these foreign diseases.

Why did the Europeans conquer the aboriginals and not vice-versa?

Because the Europeans brought disease among the Aboriginals and their numbers were declining. Also the Europeans kept on coming across the Atlantic Ocean with more and more Europeans making their numbers grow.

What are the influences of hindus to the filipinos?

Religion (Hinduism) Spicy Foods and Superstitious Beliefs.