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Theoretically, yes. Every Airbender that was referenced in the show, even for a long distance back (Aang's past lives), was a monk.

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Q: Are all Airbenders monks
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These tattoos are worn by all airbenders, they symbolise the arrows of the flying bison, the first airbenders. An airbender receives these tattoos when they successfully mastered all airbending techniques.

How were all the Airbenders killed in Avatar the Last Airbender?

The Fire Nation killed them all, except for Aang because he ran away right before that time. The Fire Nation's plan was to wipe out all the Airbenders because the Firebenders new that with Avatar Roku being dead, the next avatar would be an Air Nomad so they tried to kill off all the Airbenders.

How do you be a air bender?

In the show, it's genetic. If both parents are Airbenders, their children will all be Airbenders. If one is a Bender, but the other isn't, the kids could be non-benders or benders. If you mean in real life, it's impossible.

The Last Airbender?

The firebenders killed all the airbenders but since Aang ran away he wasn't in the air temple when they attacked and since he was frozen in ice for 100 years everyone thought the airbenders were extinct.learn to actually bend at

Are monks allowed to use profanity?

No. Some monks do not talk at all.

Who said all is lost monks monks monks?

Supposedly, these were the last words of Henry VIII. How true that is, I couldn't say.

Why has Aang smear that light blue body paint on his body?

Haha! His arrows? Those are traditional for airbenders because the flying bison were the first airbenders and have arrows on them. The color is sky blue signifying the air.

When do monks rise?

When all of humanity burns to the ground the monks will rise and rule for eternity

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Are airbenders real?

i think there could be possibly real benders out there... they just hadn't been discovered yet. and if there is, people, just leave them alone.

How did medieval monks spread Christianity?

Medieval Monks spread Christianity by many different techniques. Now, if you are talking about Medieval Monks in Europe, then they spread Christianity by telling others mostly. There is a website all about Medieval Monks below.

Who is monk?

monk is not a he its a or the monks. monks are the praiser of there god or spirit the monks of the Christan live at the cathedral so do Buddha monks! almost all religions have monks. heres an example of monks and every thing..... praiser>monk>priest.