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Anything in an orbit is constantly accelerated.

If that sounds peculiar to you, it's because you think 'accelerate' means 'speed up'.

It doesn't. It means 'change speed or direction or both'.

If an object is not moving at a constant speed in a straight line, then it's accelerating.

An object in an orbit is constantly changing direction. So it's constantly being

accelerated, even if its speed never changes.

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Why orbiting astronauts appear to be floating is that they are experiencing?

Yes that is what they are experiencing.

Why do astronauts appear to be weightless in a spacecraft orbiting earth?

Free fall

Are astronauts weightless during the Shuttle's launch?

Noop. In fact, as the Shuttle is accelerating, the astronauts are experiencing not only the pull of gravity, but also the acceleration of the rocket. For the comfort of the crew, they try to keep the excess gravity to about 4 G, basically 4 times the pull of gravity. Only after the engines have stopped, and the shuttle is no longer accelerating, will the astronauts feel weightless, as the Shuttle and astronauts are all falling around the Earth at the same speed.

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The docking of the Gemini spacecraft.

How far did they travel to get to the moon?

The Apollo astronauts traveled about 1.5 million miles to the moon,do not forget them orbiting it.

How do we know that orbiting objects are accelerating?

In Newtonian physics they are not following a straight path, therefore they must be accelerating.However in General Relativity they are following a locally straight path through curved spacetime, therefore they are not accelerating.

What are astronauts doing on the moon now?

There are no astronauts on the moon now. The last time astronauts were on the moon was in 1972. There are lots of astronauts in space. Most of them are on the International Space Station, which is orbiting the Earth. They are doing lots of scientific jobs there, and they are continuing the construction of the space station. There are usually 6 people on it at any one time. The Space Shuttle usually brings people to and from the International Space Station. So when it is also orbiting the Earth, there are more than 6 people in space.

Is the hubble space telescope a space station or a space shuttle?

Neither. The space station is an orbiting laboratory with living spaces. A shuttle takes astronauts to the space station and back to earth. The Hubble is an un-manned orbiting observatory.

Does it take 27 days to orbit the earth?

That comes roughlyclose, if you happen to be the moon. Astronauts orbiting the earth make several orbits per day.

Free fall explains why astronauts have no mass while orbiting Earth?

Not quite. It explains why they have no weight. But their mass doesn't change.It's the same on earth, on the moon, and everywhere in between.

Astronauts on spacewalks outside the orbiting Space Station have to wear protective clothing against which type of radiation?

you are thinking of Solar radiation. or radiation from the sun in simple terms.

What did Neil Armstrong mean when he was heard to say he thinks he sees Santa Claus?

he was revering to a high speed light that passed by them while in orbit around earth . I believe they were going twice the speed of sound at the time. there's been several astronauts reports of UFOs' while orbiting earth not just US. astronauts. Russian astronauts for instance.