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In Paris, I didn't see any rapids on the river Seine.

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Yes, I am 99% positive there are.

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Q: Are there any crocodiles in the Amazon River?
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What animal can found in the Amazon River but not the nile river?


What eats an Amazon river dolphin?

crocodiles and sometimes people.

What types of animals live in the amazon river?

Crocodiles, Snakes, Fish.

Why do crocodiles live in the amazon river?

They live! (Swim, eat, breath, Hunt and breed)

What kind of dangers are in the River Nile?

The same as any other river but including crocodiles.

Does the river amazon have any famous bridges?

Amazon river is the largest river in the world.

What are the piranha's enemies?

humans,crocodiles,larger fish,turtles,otters, birds, amazon river dolphins,birds and caiman

Do hippos live in or near the river Nile?

Yes, there are crocodiles in the Amazon River. These animals are, however, a smaller type of reptile than what many might be used to. It is the caiman that inhabits the Amazon Basin. These creatures are a subspecies of the alligators, which are members of the family of crocodiles. Use the link below to learn more about this crocodilian.

Are there any rivers in the amazon?

Yes, the Amazon River

Has the Amazon River got any waterfall?

Yes the Amazon river has 32 waterfalls

Which river that carries more water than any other?

Amazon River

What Fish are native to the river Amazon?

* Pirananhs(pu-ron-us) * i kno this aient a pish but theres pythons * alligators/crocodiles