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Q: Are there more wars now than in the past?
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What can you learn on the past civilization?

u can learn that the past in more hard to live than living now.

Why is there more people with asthma now than in the past?

because the world is dirty.

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Is slang used more often now than in the past?

Yes, it is. It's because the world is so inter-connected now and slang gets passed back and forth much more easily than it was in the past.

Is past life easer than now?

Life was easer in past than now.

What has changed in the present than the past?

# Well, things are more like they are now than they ever used to be. #

Why is it so much more important now than it was in the past that the countries of the world communicate with each other?

countries have to depend upon each other economically more than they did in the past................... ------------------sHeLbY :)

Do people help others more now than the in the past?

I think it's less-although we are in contact with more people.

Why do people write more today than in the past?

People write about now because of how things are getting more terrible by the minute. In the present and in the past much happened but it also took longer in the past to write.

Why is the extinction rate greater now than in the past?

Because we are advancing and using more energy andm aking more citys

Why are people going on holiday more now than in the past?

people are earning more leaving them with more disposable income, also package holidays and flights are now cheaper eg: Ryan air