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Yes! Prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis). As the name indicates, this rattlesnake lives in grassland areas of the Great Plains including the western two-thirds of Nebraska Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). The timber rattlesnake is a species of the eastern United States but its range extends into the wooded areas of southeastern Nebraska Western massasauga(Sistrurus catenatus). This is a small rattlesnake, about 20 to 30 inches long, with dark, somewhat round, blotches down the back and other smaller and less distinct blotches on the sides Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix). Copperheads are stout-bodied snakes, appropriately named because of the coppery top of the head. In Nebraska, they are known to occur only in southern Gage and Richardson Counties, but they may also occur along the Missouri River bluffs south of the Platte River Source: Ron J. Johnson, Extension Wildlife Specialist

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Q: Are there poisonous snakes in Nebraska?
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Some do but they are mistaked as poisonous snakes and are killed like in florida....................... and non poisonous snakes eat the poisonous ones should be worshipped the have saved alot of lifes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are elephant trunk snakes poisonous?

yes, as they are aquatic and aquatic snakes are poisonous.

Are all snakes poisonous and do all snakes bite?

No, all snakes are not poisonous. Yes, all snakes will bite (even the ones that are not poisonous) They will bite to catch and eat for or to defend themselves.

Are western blind snakes poisonous?

No, they are not poisonous.

Can you eat poisonous snakes?

There are no poisonous snakes and even venomous snakes are safe to eat.

Are there poisonous snakes in Korea?

No, there are no poisonous snakes in Korea. There are, however, venomous snakes. Most notably various pit vipers.

Are there poisonous snakes in lake mead?

There is no poisonous snakes in the lake...there might be rattlesnakes on the land though

Can you have poisonous snakes as pets?

It depends on your local and state laws. EDIT!! Snakes are not poisonous! Something is poisonous when you ingest it and it harms you. Snakes are venomous! Venom causes harm by injection.

Are king snakes poisonous?

No the scarlet king snake looks like a coral snake(poisonous) but the King snake is not Poisonous. There are other types of king snakes but none are poisonous.

Are CA king snakes poisonous?

No, they are not venomous or poisonous.

How many poisonous snakes are there?

None, there are no poisonous snakes. There are venomous snakes but not poisonous. The difference is the poison is usually on the skin of an animal like a frog, and you touch the poison and then get hurt. Venom is emitted by fangs or spikes into your skin or a body part and injected into you. There are no poisonous snakes.

What is the percentage of poisonous snakes?

there is about 2.234%of pouniuns snakes.