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The answer somewhat depends if the individual is male or female. Either way, the person is a little bit lower than most physicians would recommend he or she weigh for a height of 5'5". Most physicians use the Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine whether people are overweight, normal, or underweight. A BMI of less than 20 in males or under 18 in females is considered by most to be underweight. Weighing 107 pounds when one is 5'5" is a BMI of 17.8. Consult your personal physician if you are concerned about not weighing enough or are concerned about developing eating disorders. Hope this helps! Dr. B. I agree, but having said that my son is 5'10", weighs 112 lbs at 17 and never has a day off school for sickness. (BMI is 15.9) I cannot stop him eating either, normal for this age I think.

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Q: Are you underweight or normal if you're 17 years old and 5'5'' and only weigh 107?
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