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Q: Before slavery was Africa a rich continent?
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Is it Africa a poor continent?

No, Africa is rich in resources.

True or false Africa is a rich continent in resources?


If Africa is rich continent than why are the most people are poor?

Corrupt governments.

What was it like in Africa before the Europeans came?

In fact, Africa was a rich and powerful continent before the Europeans kind of messed things up a tad bit. Kings in Africa had gold and glory. Perhaps today it would have been a world power like the US

Is Africa a rich or poor country?

Africa is not a country. Africa is a continent. There are many countries in Africa. Most of the countries in Africa are poor by Western standards.

What continent speaks the most number of languages?

Africa is the continent that speaks the most number of languages, with over 2,000 recognized languages spoken across the continent. This diverse linguistic landscape is a reflection of the rich cultural heritage and history of the African people.

Where is Nigeria?

On the continent of Africa, under the western bulge, near the equator. Nigeria is located in west Africa. It's located south of Niger, west of Cameroon and east of Benin. Chad also shares a small border on North-East Nigeria. (see related map link)

Why Africa is a very poor continent though it is very rich in natural resources?

Because the natural resources are not utilize properly

What were some motives for imperialism in Africa?

The British greed for power, gold and other resources of the rich continent and there arrogance to rule the world

Is Africa the worlds most densely populated continent?

jhfyffghf Africa is known as 'Dark Continent' with large mountain areas and plains, rich mieral wealth, animal groups and rivers-prohibitting human settlements largely. Population density is thin.

Are Arabic people in Africa poor or rich?

It is not accurate to generalize the economic status of Arabic people in Africa as either poor or rich. Economic status varies among individuals and communities regardless of ethnicity or cultural background. Africa is a diverse continent with a wide range of economic conditions.

How was slavery ended in the us?

There were uprising carried out by the Africans but the Europeans DID NOT stop the trade due to those circumstances. The trade was stopped because the powers realized that taking the African people from the very country that drew them out of the dark ages is'NT going to help them continue to progress. You must remember that Africa was a VERY rich continent, they needed to keep the crops coming to survive. This is why the scrambel for Africa occured. Africa was colonized, which in turn cause both World Wars due to the unfair division of colonial Africa for Germany. Japan allied with Germany to gain colonial power in Asia.