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Only if you are a parent or legal guardian.

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Q: Can a 22 year old bring a minor to an r rated movie?
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Can a 16 year old, bring a 6 year old to a G rated movie?

only if

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What is the movie year one rated?

year one is rated pg-13 :D

When is the next bring it on movie coming out?

this year and it is bring it on:fight to the finish

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How old do you have to be to bring a younger sibling younger than 12 to a movie?

It depends on the rating of the movie. If it is G or PG any age, the twelve year old can go by themself anyway without supervision. If it is rated PG-13 you must be thirteen. If it is rated R you have to be 17. And if it is rated X all persons must be of or older than the age 18.

Can a thirteen year old get in a r rated movie with a eighteen year old?


Will there be a movie version of the gobots?

yes in the year 2010 there will be a gobot movie and they will bring back the gobots

Why are films age rated?

Because if a 4 year old watches an r rated movie they will have nightmares!

What year was the movie bring it on made?

It was released in 2000!! Hope I helped! :)

Is it legal for a ten year old to watch an X-rated movie?


Can a 19 year old accompany a 17 year old to a rated r movie?

depends most places are getting more strict on letting kids into r rated movies