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No. Fathering more children will normally mean paying more support, not less.

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Q: Can a father be absolved or exempt from payment of support if he has fathered a set number of children?
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Can a father be Absolved of child support legally by the mother?

No. The mother cannot overrule a judge.

Can child support be modified if have additional children by a different spouse?

Yes, every time child support is calculated, any other payment to any other children is considered.

Do a man have to pay child support if he have 9 kids?

Yes. It does not matter how many children someone has fathered, one still has to pay for child support for all his children. However, in many states, child support PER CHILD is reduced because of the number of children a parent has to support. However, the total amount paid will be higher. Also, a father does not have to pay child support if his parental rights were terminated and the child was adopted by someone else.

Does a man have to pay support if he has 2 children with one woman 3 with a second woman 1 with a third woman 1 with a fourth woman?

He would have to pay support towards every child that he has fathered no matter how many wives he has had

Who pays child support for an unwed minor who has fathered a baby in Mississippi?

His parents pay for him and he pays child support for his baby.

Is that okay to garnish child support payment from corporation?

Corporations are not parents of children and do not pay child support. Garnishing child support payments from the wages/salaries of corporate employees is done routinely.

Do you have to pay child supPort and arreArs at the same time?

Yes; typically, payment on arrears is a percentage of the payment for current support.

Is non payment of child support a felony in Michigan?

See Link BelowChild Support-Contempt Of Court for Non-Payment?

What happens if you on child support probation and he miss one payment?

Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.

Where does a back child support check go to if the person that should receive it is in jail?

The money if for the child not the parent regardless of the situation. That being the case arrearages and current support payments would be allocated by the child support enforcement agency of the state where the minor child/children reside. The payment(s) would be given to the person(s) who have legal custody of the child/children. If a legal guardian has been appointed the payment(s) would go to them.

If a child is fathered by a married man does his wife pay for child support in the state of PA?

I had a baby by a man who is married he is in child support already? he doesn't have a job but his wife does is she liable for paying child support for his child that he fathered outside his marriage . I would like to know can how this law is applied in the State of Pennsylvania. The Courts is not aware that he is married yet

In Colorado can the last child support payment be prorated when the months payment is due on the 1st and the 19th birthday ending support is on the 10th?
