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It is pretty difficult to be a minor and be eligible for college. Most College students have reached the age of 18. And nothing they can do to make them study or attend classes.

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Q: Can a parent force a minor to go to college without their consent?
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No, but if they have graduated high school, they can go to college and move out of there parents, but of course they don't have to (unless there parents force them to.) But they are not adults, they cannot drink, take drugs, or they cannot get married without there parents perrmison.

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The age of majority for the state is 18, therefore a parent(s) cannot arbitrarily force a minor out of the family home without providing adequate support for he or she and/or without using the proper legal procedures.

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No but they can refuse to pay the one you choose.

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The minimum age to enlist is 17 with parental consent and 18 without consent. The maximum age to enlist is 42.