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Q: Can children travel alone to US?
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Can children under 15 travel alone?

Yes. It depends.

How old do you have to be to travel to the US alone?

You have to be 18.

What conditions made it necessary for so many black children to travel alone across the US in the book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings?

In "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," many black children had to travel alone across the US due to the discriminatory practices of segregation in the South, which often prevented families from traveling together on public transportation. Additionally, economic challenges forced some families to send children to live with relatives in other cities or states in search of better opportunities.

Can a seventeen year old travel alone to the USA?

Yes, they can if they have a passport. My neice was 15 when she traveled alone from and back to the US

How may children are waiting to be adopted?

In the US alone, over 100 000.

Do mustangs horses travel in packs or alone?

Mustangs typically travel in herds, but they will travel alone if they have to.

Where to travel alone?

You can travel anywhere alone. I have been to 16 countries alone and camped across the United States alone.

What is the minimum age for a child to travel on American Airlines?

On American Airlines (the company) infants can travel with a parent from the second day after delivery, although the airline recommends waiting until at least seven days after delivery. Children under 5 years of age may not travel alone. Children under 8 years old may travel alone only on direct flights that do not require a change of aircraft, and may not travel on smaller flights that do not have a cabin attendant. Children traveling alone who are 14 or younger are required to be booked in the Unaccompanied Minors service, which involves an additional fee. Children traveling alone who are 15 - 17 years old may use the Unaccompanied Minors service but are not required to. Those who are 18 and older are adults.

Do US citizen children need a passport to travel to Mexico?

Yes, they do.

Do piranhas like to travel in groups or by itself?

yes they travel in groups not alone, but sometimes they travel alone. :)

What are the lyrics to the noel coward song travel alone?

I travel alone.... :D

When is the appropriate age to travel alone?

To travel alone you need to be 16 or older. You can travel with a supervisor at the age of 12