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Q: Can pecan trees grow in Canada?
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What kinds of garden shops sell pecan tree seeds?

Pecan trees grow typically in warmer climates so garden shops in those zones would likely sell seeds to grow pecans. However, some pecan trees have been genetically modified to be hardier and withstand harsher climates like Canada. It is not impossible, but one will likely find garden shops in southern parts of North America selling pecan tree seeds.

Do hickory trees grow in Utah?

There are many types of hickory trees. If pecan trees grow in your area, its very likely that other members of the hickory family will as well.

What trees and plants grow in Canada?

maple trees grow in canada. also pine trees grow in canada. Also many fruit trees such as apple and pear.

Where do pecans grow best?

Pecan trees grow best in hot climates without severe winters; there are large pecan groves in Arizona, in the Southwest U.S.

Are there pecan trees in the Philippines?

.detuorps ti shtnom 4 retfa dna cd notgnihsaw morf thguorb i taht nroca na tog i .os eveileb I

Are pecan trees in a grove or orchard?

Since pecan trees are deciduous trees then it would be an orchard

Can pecan trees grow in Indianapolis?

Pecans grow in the southern US. I'd think Indianapolis might be a bit too cold, but, who knows?

Can cherry blossom trees be grown in Canada?

cherry trees do grow in canada but your wrong about blossoms

What is the best fertilizer for pecan trees?

The best type of fertilizer for pecan trees is a fertilizer which is high in nitrogen and zinc.

Why do no trees grow in the district of Franklin Canada?

There are small trees in Franklin, Canada. However, the trees there are young trees that haven't grown to adult size.

Can apple trees grow in Canada's forests?

Apple trees do not grow well in ANY forest. They need sunlight to grow well.

Why are there tassels on pecan trees?

does a pecan tree have to tassel to bare nuts