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Q: Can you put bleach in your cistern?
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How much Clorox to a 5000 gallon cistern?

If the cistern is clean, 15 fluid ounces of 5.25% chlorine bleach (Clorox or Purex) will suffice. If the cistern water is turbid, increase the amount to 24 fluid ounces.

How do you use cistern in a sentence?

If you do not have a dual flush toilet, put a brick in the cistern

How to bleach dark hair blonde?

You put it in bleach

What is kept in a cistern?

water is kept in a cistern

Can you put bleach in the water for a tighter vagina?

Don't put bleach anywhere near your vagina.

How To sterlise clothes?

you can put bleach on them before you put them in the washer. just let them soak in the bleach

What is the shape of cistern?

A cistern can be a wide range of shapes & sizes. Most commonly a cistern is round or rectangular.

What can I add to my toilet to save water?

Put a brick in the cistern, so less water will fill it There are various things to reduce the amount of water in the cistern. Bricks are popular and so are plastic bags of water.

What is the arabic word for cistern?

The Arabic word for cistern is صهريج.

If you put beetroot juice in bleach what colour will the bleach be?

It will turn colourless.

Can you put bleach highlight on beige blonde hair?

Yes, you can put bleach highlights on beige blonde hair.

What is a cistern overfow?

A tank that overflows. Cistern is an English name for tank.