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Yes. By looking at the sun, they could tell. Some of the Master's gardens for decor could had have a sundial for time.

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Q: Could slaves tell time
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What did slaves do in their free time?

Slaves did not have activities that they could do in their free time in the same way that other people did. They were slaves to their owners, and were forced to do grueling work throughout the day.

How could you tell what time of year or season it was?

by the time of year

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so he could tell time at night

Where were slaves sold and families were separated?

slaves were sold at an auction and sometimes that was were they couuld be split up. other times a master could keep families together but could split them up at any time

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because at that time balck men where slaves and could not vote

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their slaves they dont get their own time

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What is the difference between the way field slaves and house slaves spent their Sunday?

Field slaves typically did not have time off on Sundays and would continue to work in the fields. House slaves, on the other hand, may have had more leisure time on Sundays and could attend church services or engage in other activities.

Did slaves have free time?

Slaves free time all depended on if they didnt as much as they did. But when they did they would sing, dance, tell tales, stage, play games, hang out with family, gamble,and women would gather to build quilts for the family.

How do you answer a prostitute who asks you what time it is?

Tell her the time, then walk away. If she asks about buying sex, tell her no as she could be an undercover cop.

What were the causes of the slaves in the Revolutionary War?

Slaves were counted as a whole instead of three fifths and the slaves were a lot cheaper in the time of war. Slaves were counted as a whole instead of three fifths and the slaves were a lot cheaper in the time of war.

Could slaves read and write?

In some civilizations, it was illegal for slaves to be literate, while in others, some slaves were able to learn how to read and write. The ability to read and write among slaves varied widely depending on the time period, location, and individual circumstances.