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The counter culture rebuffed "the establishment". The establishment were their parents, school authorities, politicians and the strict culture in general. They did not like being told how to dress, talk, think, act, eat and not to have sex, drugs or rock and roll. The times were so uptight back then we could not even say the word "pregnant". The methods of rebelling while not the most wisest did accomplish freedom from some of the most ridiculous "mores" teens and young adults were subjected too. The constant killing of young men in Viet Nam and the forced draft also contributed to the counterculture. Some young men rebelled by going to Canada to avoid the draft. The politicians had to learn that they could not just do anything they wanted to without the approval of the general population. The entire culture was changed by the young people whether they were counterculture or not. Standards about marriage, relationship, work, military duty, school, dress, music, and sexual freedom were all changed. The negative lasting influence was having the next generation be reckless, immoral, disrespectful, and the schools lost the ability to discipline bad kids and the family ceased to be mom, dad and the kids. The family lost their ability to control their kids because they had defied the mores that kept kids in line. Drug abuse became way to acceptable too. Watch some movies that were made in 40's and 50's and you will see how different the culture was and the value system was then.

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Q: Describe the factors that led people to form the counterculture the factors that contributed to its decline and the lasting influence if any that the counterculture had on American society?
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