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of course he did there like bffs

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Q: Did Charry go to the same school as Ponyboy?
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What school does Ponyboy Curtis go to?

It never says, but he is in classes with all the socials because he is so smart.

What school does ponyboy go to from the outsider?

Hi!! I'm a greaser!!

What happened to Ponyboy in The Outsiders?

He gets to go back home, and he goes back to school.

Where did dally insist ponyboy go after the rumble?

Go see ponyboy in the hospital

Why does Ponyboy neglect his schoolwork?

ponyboy is a good kid and a star student that gets his grades up and study a lot but ponyboy always wonders why soda dropped out and why he couldn't go to school like him, but Darry makes him do his work and stay a good kid while he works to get them money and food but soda also does the same and they both want ponyboy to stay in school and focus on his work because he's a smart boy and he knows how to stay on track

According to ponyboy why is darry not a Soc?

If Darrry didn't have Sodapop and Ponyboy, he would be a Soc because he would still be in school, he wouldn't have so much responsibility, and he would be popular.

Who does Ponyboy go out with?

no one

Does Ponyboy go to college?


Where does his children go to school?

His children go to the same school as mine.

Does the boy and girl go to the same school in china?

Of-course, boy & girl go to same school in China.

What happend to ponyboy to cause him to not go to church again?

When Ponyboy's parents died in car crash.

What does society expect from Ponyboy?

Society expect nothing but hoodlum-like activity from ponyboy. For example when he was in the ambulence after he saved the kids from the church fire, when he told he man in the ambulence he was a greaser he didn't think a kid like that would risk his life to save kids