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Q: Did the Anzacs bury their dead once a week in World War 1?
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Did they stop once a week to bury their dead?

i don't care about it at all you stupid people i don't believe in the sort of rubbish

How long are dodo birds dead for?

Well until the world ends, once its dead..its dead.

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well, i don't know. Sorry friendface. Do you wash your hair more than once a month?

Did the anzacs survive?

Most did. Some were wounded more than once. Slightly over 2700 New Zealanders died, and over 8000 Australians.

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Some dogs do. We had a Labrador Retriever who would bury any bone given to him. Once I dug one up and that day he buried it again.

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Pyramids were used as tombs to bury the Pharaoh once he died.

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Dead rats can cause harm to humans because they spread disease. It is wise to bury or dispose of dead rats as soon as possible.

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Bury him, mourn for a short while then get another puppy to bring happiness once again.

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Pyramids are tombs , so the Egyptians would make them to bury there pharaohs in once they died....

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You can't save it once it's dead.

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Well, how in the world would people know what your will was if it wasn't written down? Once you're dead, they can't ask you, can they?

How can a dead thread be restarted?

No. A thread once dead cannot be restarted.