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Yes and no. It's the language of the Roman Empire (Latin) slightly modified by the original inhabitants (the Gauls) and considerably modified by later invaders, especially the Franks, who came from Germany.

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Q: Did the French language come from France?
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france language french

What is France's official language?

French is the only official language in France. Many other dialects and languages are spoken in France but none have official status or recognition.

What country does the language of French come from?

French language formed in France, from the vulgar Latin languages spoken there at the end of the Roman era.

Which country in Europe has french as the official language?

France is the country in Europe where French is the official language.

Why is France a French speaking country?

France is the land of the French, and that is their language.

What is the language of the french people today?

French is the official language of France.

Where did the Acadian language come from?

Acadian French, also known as Acadian, originates from the French spoken by early French settlers who established communities in Acadia, now the Maritime provinces of Canada, in the 17th century. Over time, this French dialect developed unique characteristics influenced by the isolation of Acadian communities and interactions with Indigenous peoples.

What is the French language?

French is a language. it is spoken in France, and in many former French colonies.

Did French evolve in France?

Yes, the French language evolved from Latin in France.

Why do people in France speak French there?

French is the language of French people, who are the ones living in France.

What was the language of France during World War 2?

The language of france for at least the past 500 years is French.

Is French a country?

??? French is a LANGUAGE. France is the COUNTRY.