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Yes, Stewie had a mind control device..

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Q: Do cartoons like Family Guy make fun of mind control?
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To make them look like cartoons.

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== ==

How do you make a teacher like you?

Answerkiss there but = do every thing for them give them treats and goodies and make them cards make them feel like your there family and never ever be a class clown you can be funny but not out of control.....technically be a kiss ass

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because there fun to watch with family especially with kids

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The 'Looney Tunes' cartoons are produced by the Warner Bros. Studios .

What are the responsibilities for a cartoonist?

the art skill, some human anatomy knowledge (depending on what type of cartoon you want to draw). theres alot of kinds. look at the comics in the news paper and make note of how many different degrees a realism there is.

How do you make a girl from DragonBall gt like Pan to like you?

by not fantasizing about cartoons, girls like that are in to video games and monster movies said my REAL girlfriend

Why do many adults make fun of your mental capacity if you talk to them about cartoons?

because cartoons are bad anime

What is a cartoon about?

A cartoon is an animated pictorial and typically fictional story drawn on story boards that depict one action per board. Many story boards make up one scene. The quick changing of the story boards creates visual 'movement' of each character or background. Cartoons began as very simple stories but have evolved into detailed stories with multiple characters. Also, in the past, cartoons were only shown on Saturday mornings, but now are available on cable and network programming any day of the week.

Why do cartoons make people relax?

cartoons make people relax because people know that would never happen to them so they can dream about it and wish it did !

How do you make portal going to cartoons to real world?

Okay.. what? You can't make a portal to cartoons because it isn't a place.