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You do not get all four seasons when you live near the equator because it is almost the same temperature all year round so there is no need to have a season when you are having the same weather all year.

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12y ago
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15y ago

No they don't. The weather stays warm and rainy all year long. =]

- hopes this helps!

xoxo CJS

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13y ago

not that ive ever heard! from what i know it is quite warm down there all year.

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12y ago


when you live near the equator, it is almost the same temperature all year round so there is no need to have a season when you are having the same weather all year

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11y ago

they do but differently

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Q: Do places on the equator get seasons?
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Areas include places near the equator, and hot places such as Texas and Florida.

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4 seasons are experienced on the equator

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No. Near the equator the sun is always very high in the sky so freezing temperatures can not occur.

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Because at the equator there is a tropical zone with a higher incidence of humity and facilitating the proliferation and growth of trees in moist soil enriched

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Florida does have seasons, though they are less apparent than in many places. The differences are less pronounced nearer the equator

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Seasons depend on the angle of the sun. Those near the equator do not have seasons.

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Around the equator there is no noticeable difference to the seasons, compared to what is experienced by parts of Earth that are much further from the equator. At the poles, can you detect a difference?

What seasons are found at the equator?

There are still 4, its just not a big difference between the seasons. . a08Deevic88 Join Me At

Where do you have the least temperature change between seasons?

At the equator.

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Countries that are closer to the equator experience less variety in their seasons. Singapore is in that region. Countries that are further from the equator experience the four seasons. It is all down to the way the Earth tilts. It has more affect on countries that are further from the equator in terms of the weather extremes that are experienced.

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All places south of the equator are in the southern hemisphere.