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While the courts have made various rulings in a variety of ways, a student actually has no more or less rights than an adult.

An adult who walks into the store does not have the right to dress as he likes, smoke as he likes, yell (or argue) at clerks as he likes, fight with customers as he likes, or demonstrate for a cause as he likes.

Similarly, a student who walks into a school has no right to dress as he likes, smoke as he likes, yell (or argue) with teachers as he likes, fight with students as he likes, or demonstrate for a cause as he likes.

A student is there to learn. He does not "own" the locker where he hides things. He has no right of free speech to sass the teacher or gun rights to settle disputes. And he will hardly have such "rights" when he's an adult, bosses search employee lockers, too, nor may they be "sassed" at work, nor are guns allowed.

Rights in this nation boil down (after all the exceptions and case laws are factored in) to the fact that you may be relatively free in your own home. Step outside your home, and you are subject to restrictions. Most you won't agree with. And that's what adults deal with every day.

With kids it worse because they cannot - or will not if 18 - have a home to be free in. They are in another's home, and so have no respite. This is sad. But a trade off, for the livelihood is provided.

In the end, it all depends on what rights the teacher is taking away from the student. If the teacher is taking away the right to bear arms, it is completely fine (since students should not have guns, anyway). If the teacher is taking away the student's right to not speak as to not incriminate his/herself, then the teacher cannot do that.

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Q: Do teachers have the right to limit student's rights?
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Fundamental rights and duties on the two sides of the same coin of the Indian rupee coin?

RIGHTS & DUTIES: TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN.I have been witness to many movements and many campaigns that involve rights of those concerned. Human rights, animal rights, women's rights, child rights, minority rights, prisoner's rights, right to freedom, right to education, right to potable water, right to fight, right to eat, right to sleep, rights of the aged, rights of the marginalised, rights of refugees and war victims, rights of these and rights of those, rights of the left and rights of the right, etc, etc. The list is endless.

Does the parent with sole custody have the Right to limit step parent visitation?

Step-parents have no rights to visitation unless ordered by the court. check with your local law liberary to get the laws in your state.

List of international humanitarian law and universal declaration of human rights?

The list of international humanitarian law and universal declaration of human rights are; The right to be born freely and equally.The right to not be discriminated.The right to a life.The right not to be enslaved.The right not to be tortured.The right to have your rights where every you are.The right to be equal before the law.The right to have your rights protected by the law.The right to have no unfair detainment.The right to have a trial.The right to be innocent until proven guilty.The right to have privacy.The right to move freely.The right to seek a safe place.The right to a nationality.The right to a marriage and family.The right to own your own things.The right to freedom of thought.The right to freedom of expression.The right to public assembly.The right to democracy.The right to have social security.The right to workers rights (correct pay etc.).The right to play.The right to clean water, food and shelter.The right to education.The right to copyright.The right to a fair and free world.The right to responsibilityThe right to have no one take away your rights. The right to serve my God as I understand MY GOD to be. IN FREEDOM.

What four rights that Canadians enjoy?

The four rights that Canadians enjoy are: 1 the right to vote 2 the right to a good education 3 the right to live anywhere in Canada 4 the right to aply for a canadian passport

What are the right of Canada citizen?

As many rights as you Americans

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