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Q: Do the facts in kristof's column support the opinions that he presents why or why not?
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Which of these is not one of the caterogries used in a 3 column organizer?


What is the unsupported length of the column?

Length over which the column has no support is taken as unsupported length of the column

What weather will accompany a decrease in the height of the mercury column in a mercury barometer?

the atmospere can not support the greater height column and the column of mercury will drop to the level in which the atmospere can support

What is a support column called?


What are the categories in a three column organizer?

The three main categories in a three column organizer typically include "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done." These categories help users track and manage tasks or projects effectively by indicating the status of each item as it moves through stages of completion.

What is tall support with a silent n?

a column?

What are the functions of a column in a building?

A column is used to support the weight of the roof and/or the upper floors. Now a days, a lot of columns are used for decorative purposes. A column along with load bearing beams can support a lot of weight.

What are the function of a column in a building?

A column is used to support the weight of the roof and/or the upper floors. Now a days, a lot of columns are used for decorative purposes. A column along with load bearing beams can support a lot of weight.

What is an androphore?

An androphore is a support or column on which stamens are raised.

What word means pillar?

Column, beam, support.

Is a fact one of the categories in a three column organizer?

It could be. Here is a typical way to configure a three-column organizer for research:First column: Topic of the text or discussion.Second column: What you learned from reading the text, from research, or discussion.Third column: Your opinions, observations, thoughts, and experiences about the topic.

Is the word column a verb?

No, the word "column" is not a verb. It is a noun that typically refers to a vertical structure often found in architecture or design.