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Only the limestone that developed through high overburden overlays have got a crystalline stracture, or those got heat and presure like marble, other ways ordinary linestone does not have crstalline stracture but the different grain size matterials made the texture of the linestone seam crystal.

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Q: Does Limestone have rounded crystals
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Is limestone rounded or jagged?

Depends on what kind of conditions it has been under.

What metamorphic rock is made from limestone that is smooth and contains shiny crystals?

Marble. The crystals are ofcalcite (calcium carbonate). It's only smooth when polished, but it takes a high polish.

Why is limestone changed into marble?

Limestone is softer than marble because of how they are formed inside. Marble consists of tightly interlocked crystals, which makes it stronger than limestone. Limestone consists of small fossil fragments and smaller crystals, which makes it weaker than marble.

How did the leiturgia cave form?

Sulfuric acid and gasses erodes the limestone and produces gypsum crystals over thousands of years.

Why it is unlikely that calcium chloride crystals are made from calcium metal?

It is unlikely that calcium chloride crystals are made from calcium metal because calcium is a rare and very expensive metal, also very susceptible of corrosion in normal air.It is much easier to start with limestone (CaCO3) and dissolve it with hydrochloric acid. Carbon dioxide is released and the excess of water should be evaporated after filtering of the undissolved particles of the limestone impurities.(CaCO3)s + (impurities of limestone)s + (HCl)l => (CaCl2)s + (CO2)g + (H2O)evap ++ [impurities of limestone]filter

What shape are the quartz crystals in sandstone. are they isometric........ octagonal.........?

The crystal form is hexagonal, but the grain shape is rounded.

Why is sandstone porous and quartzite not?

sandstone has rounded grain so the water can get into a gaps between the grain quartzite have interlocking crystals

What is a rounded hollow rock that is often with mineral crystals?

a geode. They're fairly common, but often very pretty.

How limestone become marble?

Marble actually metamorphoses to limestone from a major change. The marble rock is subjected to intense heat in order to change its form.

What does oolitic mean?

Oolitic is a type of limestone. It is composed of minute rounded concretions that resemble fish roe. The origin of the word is French.

Is marble metamorphic rock?

Yes. Metamorphic rock can be marble because, marble is a form of Metamorphic rock which is composed of coarse crystals from parent limestone or dolostone rocks.

What kind of rock has small holes full of sugar like crystals?

Many rocks match that description. Try putting some vinegar on it. If it reacts with any bubbling, it is probably limestone.