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That will depend on whether paternity has been established. If the mother is not married at, or within 300 day of the birth of the child, there is no legal father unless through the court. In that case, no one's permission is needed, however the father may bring suit himself. Under those circumstances, many courts will see allowing the move is in the best interest of the child. If there already is a court order in place, you need the court's permission, not the father's permission for the move.

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Q: Does a 16 year old mother have to get the father's permission to move out of state with the baby if she is moving with her parents?
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What are the legalities of a seventeen-year-old moving away from her parent in the state of Iowa?

She has to have permission from her parents or legal gaurdians, otherwise it is illegal and the police can arrest her and take her home. She can move out at 18 legally. As far as paperwork, there is none needed at that age. She just needs permission, a written permission with signatures and witnesses would be good in case there is trouble with the law or someone inquires.

What was one of the economic reforms launched by Basho Assad after his fathers death in 2000?

moving Syria toward a free-market economy

Can a 17 year old move out of their parents house in Georgia without permission?

It is not legal to move out of your parents home in Georgia until you are 18 years old. If you move out at 17 than you can be charged with a status offense. That is according to Georgia code § 15-11-2 which says that anyone under the age of 18 can be a status offender. Status offenses include things such as truancy, running away, and unruly behavior. When it says running away that means moving out of your parents house as well, because your parents will just go ahead and report you as a run away. == == Here's the information on emancipation for California. Georgia is probably very similar For health insurance information in CA visit

In TX can an unmarried pregnant woman move out of state without the father's permission?

I do not see why not. It would be wise to tell the father where she is moving, unless he is a threat to her.

How do you legally move out of your parents' house at 15 and live with a relative in Virginia?

If your parents have legal custody of you, then you cannot move out at 15 unless you have their permission or there is a court order allowing it. This relative can petition the court for custody/guardianship, but unless they can prove the parents to be unfit in some way, their chances of winning will be slim (that's merely my personal opinion, of course). trust me at the age of 15 you will regret moving out of your parents house and in with a relative. there are no other people that love you more than your parents. although if you feel that you are gettin abused in any way or arent in the right or healthy "living conditions" you should check into cps, or maybe at the age of 16 emancipation.

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Ages for moving out in Canada?

You may legally move out at a age 18; or 16 with parents permission.

How does a 17-year-old go about moving out of his parents' house?

Unless you have parental permission you will need to be legally emancipated. This is a difficult process unless you have their permission. In some states you can get emancipated through marriage or joining the military, but again, you usually need your parents' permission.

Can a 17 year old male in Illinois move out of his parents house without permission if moving in with grandparents?


Can a Pregnant 16 year old moving out of parents home without permission?

No, being pregnant does not make one an adult.

Can a unwed mother move out of the state of nc with out the biological fathers permission?

Yes she can. Unwed mothers assume an automatic temporary custody, until the case is decided by the court. The only way to stop her from moving is to file for custody ASAP. Once filed, the state has jurisdiction and she can't move.

What are North Dakota's laws on moving out?

{| |- | You must be the age of majority to move out. That is 18 in North Dakota. If the parents give permission, the minor can move out as well, but it does not releive the parents of their responsibilities. |}

Can a 16 year old leave his parents in the state of Colorado and move in with grandparents in Alabama?

A minor will need parental permission before moving.

Can a 16 year old girl in Maine move out with out her parents permission with her 23 year old boyfriend?

The only way you ca move in with him if your parents give all your rights to your boyfriend, but you can't move out without your parents permission because your still a minor and your boyfriend is 23 and he could go to jail if your parents are not ok with it. So just stay home and with at least a year or two and see how everything is going with your parents and your boyfriend. No, the legal age for moving out without your parents permission is 18-years-old.

How can you live in New York at 16?

With your parents or moving out with their permission. They are still obligated to provide for you until you are 18 unless you are emancipated. Then you have to do what the rest of us do and get a job.

You are 17 reside in Delaware can you get in trouble for moving out of your parents house?

In Delaware, the legal age of majority is 18. If you move out of your parents' house before turning 18 without their permission, they could report you as a runaway, and you may face consequences such as being returned home by law enforcement. It's best to discuss your situation with your parents and seek a resolution that ensures your safety and well-being.

Can a man charge his children's mother for kidnapping if she refuses to bring them back after moving 4 hours away without permission from court and him?

No you have to have proof. Which you probobly don't

Can your son 17 move out where ever with parental permission in Illinois?

In Illinois, a 17-year-old can move out with parental permission. However, it's important to consult with a legal professional for advice on specific laws and requirements regarding minors moving out with parental consent in Illinois.