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Q: Does defending a friends life justify Johnny's actions in the park explain why or why not?
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What the doctor says, shows that Johnny is in a bad condition but he will be glad to see his friends.

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Presumably you have a reason why, tell them what it is and give them a chance to explain their actions. If the explanation is satisfactory then I hope you can forgive them and move on, otherwise simply tell them you don't want to be around them anymore and keep away from them to the best of your ability.

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Johnny felt scared and panicked during the fire. He was worried about his safety and that of his friends. He also felt a sense of urgency to escape the burning building.

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No. It is perfectly normal for you to tell them that you value your friendship with each of them. however, if the situation continues on then you should explain how their actions are making you feel about the friendships of each of you.

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Explain to your friends how you are feeling, and if they are true friends, they will respect you and your relationships.

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He seems on track with most social actions, such as beginning to show signs of making individual friends.

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That would just depend on it you like him back. If not explain to them politely that you just want to be friends.

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My advice to you would to just be honest and explain the reasons for leaving. Make sure you stay in touch.

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How would I punctuate this sentence---He seems on track with most social actions usch as beginning to show sign of making individual friends?

It should be--- He seems on track with most social actions such as beginning to show sign of making individual friends.

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Go back to the old friends and explain why you "dumped" them and say that its ok if they don't wanna be friends again, but you would really like it.