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If anything it does the opposite

If a man's sperm is left in the body, they are eventually ejected along with urine, but masturbation removes them from the body and means that the testicles have to produce more

Over masturbation can cause health issues, so it's best not to do it too frequently, but during puberty the body is changing to start producing sperm, and with hormones raging through the body, a teenager can masturbate multiple times per day without too much ill effect (on their body), apart from friction burns from doing it too much :-)

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Q: Does overmasturbating make men impotence
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What population groups tend to get impotence?

It is estimated that up to 20 million American men frequently suffer from impotence and that it strikes up to half of all men between the ages of 40 and 70.

What research has been done on yohimbe as a treatment for erectile dysfunction?

Studies show it is effective in 30-40% of men with impotence. It is primarily effective in men with impotence caused by vascular, psychogenic, or diabetic problems.

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With proper diagnosis, impotence can nearly always be treated or managed successfully. Unfortunately, fewer than 10% of impotent men seek treatment.

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Some things that can cause impotence is stress, anger and worry. Most men go through it, you should see your doctor to see if there is anything they can do to help you.

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Yes alcohol does make a man impotent.

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Consuming marijuana does not make you impotent.

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Yes. It can decrease fertility and cause impotence.

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None. A penis pump will not cure impotence.

Can impotence in men be corrected?

The most common treatment today is with the prescription drug sildenafil citrate, sold under the brand name Viagra

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Men whose impotence is caused by psychological problems are not recommended for implant surgery.

How do you prevent impotence?

ED is caused by a variety of conditions find out what you can do to reduce your risk of impotence.