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Q: Does the neighborhood side walk belongs to the community?
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Where can you ride a bike in your neighborhood?

im guessing on the side walk, edges of roads, YOUR yard and drive way, fields... etc.

How can the community help those are infected by cholera?

the community can help by not throwing dump on the side walk and by not spilling water on the street,by selling good food

What skills does a neighborhood god walker require?

You can't walk God!

Is it illegal for kids to go walk around the neighborhood by themselves?

No because as long as long as there isn't any known dangers in your neighborhood.

Who manages the Island Walk Community in Venice Florida?

The island walk community in Venice,Florida is managed by the VRBO.

Can you walk yourself on the sims 3?

what do you mean walk yourself you can walk in the neighborhood if that's what you mean and you can control him too like Sims 2

What can you do around your neighborhood?

walk dogs...... that's all i know.... hope that helps.

What jobs can you do around your neighborhood?

walk dogs...... that's all i know.... hope that helps.

What are city side walk busy side walk dress in?

Holiday style

How to get a Neighborhood Sack 'N Save?

We live in a small town, where we have to walk a half mile just to get a loaf of bread. I am interested in information to open a corner store in the neighborhood.

What you can do in harbor bridge in sydney australia?

walk on it,ride your bike on it,or walk on the north side of the bridge, which is the side where pedestriands can walk.

When you take your dog for a walk how can you protect him from aggressive dogs in the neighborhood?

put your dog in a cage...with wheels