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If the amperage is very low, the effect is "shocking". It won't cause any serious harm to a person, but might make them jump.

This can cause damage to electronic equipment, though; this is why it is important to ground yourself (using wrist straps oftentimes) when working on electronic equipment.

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Q: High voltage shock low amps effects?
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How do you calculate kva from amps?

At what voltage? If you know the voltage then, to get the amps those kilovolt-amps contain, you simply divide the kilovolt-amps by the voltage.

How many KVA is 62 amps?

At what voltage? When you know the voltage then, to get the amps those kilovolt-amps contain, you simply divide the kilovolt-amps by the voltage.

Why is a low voltage shock more dangerous than a high voltage shock?

LOw voltage shocks aremore dangerous than high voltage shock because at low voltage the electrical source pumps a lot of energy through the body for a longer time damaging vital organs. where as high voltage shock cause a layer of burnt insulting tissues which limits the current that flow through the body there by causing lesser damage.Also low voltage shock tend to 'stick' to the body while High voltage shock tend torepell the body causing superficial burn close but not close enough at low voltage your body react NOT with extreme convolsions therefore you are there to the end. at hi voltage your body will widly shake maybe to the point of disconnection. it is not the voltage that kills but ruther the current. a 2 v battery can killyou if it gets to your blood supply [SODIUM] METAL GOOD CONDUCTOR A 'D' CELL CAN DO IT ON A SHORT IT CAN DRAIN 2 AMPS ENOUGHT TO KILL ANYBODY.

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There are a few things that determine the severity of an electric shock. How many amps flow through you, and where it passes through you. Although stepped up to a very high voltage, electric fences deliver only a very small current, and do so in pulses so you are receiving an intermitting, low amperage shock.

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The main disadvantage is that high voltage causes surrounding air ionization and may cause negative health effects for people close by. However, electric losses will be less when electricity is transmitted at high voltage. The higher the voltage the less the electric losses.

How would the circuits work in the Lightning Reaction Electric Shock Game if you don't know google it also how many amps and watts is safe in the machine?

There are 2 sides to each controller, one is the positive side and the other is the negative side. A current is sent through that to produce the shock. I think there is proberbly a transformer in there which steps up the voltage from the small one that the batteries produce to a higher voltage which is the shock. However I think the transformer would step down the amps so that it is a safe shock.

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Watts = Amps x Volts. Amps = Watts/Voltage. Amps = 2500/apply voltage here.

Why does the crow get current shock only sometimes when it is on the high intention wire why not always?

As I understand it, you can touch any live wire as long as you are not touching ground. It is not the voltage that kills you it is the amps that pass through your body. So when you see a bird on a high voltage cable it is safe unless it touches something, i.e.tree branch etc that then completes a circuit to ground which then lets the electricity flow through the body then inflicting the shock. P.S. do not try this in case I'm wrong.

Convert 1000 ohms to amps?

Can not do it without knowing the voltage I = E/R. Amps = Voltage/Ohms.

What has more power 2 amps or 7.2 volts?

Impossible to answer 2 amps could carry a lot of power if the voltage is high, and 7.2 volts could carry a lot of power if the current is high.

What causes high amps?

High voltage and low resistance would cause high amps. E = I R or I = E/R. PS E would be electromotive force measured in volts. R would be resistance measured in ohms. I would be current flow measured in amps.

How much voltage dose it take to kill an average person?

It's not the voltage that kills - it's the amperes. A few millivolts can kill if the amps are high enough.