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The areas established after Germanic invasions morphed Roman institutions into the feudal system. It was a way for those in power to surround themselves with people who provided services to them.

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Q: How did germanic invasions lead to feudalism in Europe?
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H ow did the Germanic invasions lead to Feudalism and Ruralization in Europe?

the germanic invasions led to feudalism by breaking down central authority. (if anyone has more info on central authority.. post it!)

How did Muslims invasions lead to the rise of feudalism?

cause they suck

How did the breakdown of the central authority of Europe lead to the development of feudalism?


How did the fall of Rome and invasions from other peoples lead to feudal Europe?

The fall of the western part of the Roman Empire did not directly lead to feudalism. It emerged some 350 years after the fall of this part of this empire. He was a result of the continuous warfare which characterised the Carolingian Empire (800-843).

In what way did the great famine effect Europe?

It helped lead to the end of feudalism.

How did the use of German soldiers lead the decline of the empire?

The hiring of Germanic mercenaries or enlisting ot Germanic soldiers or allies did not lead to the decline of the empire. The decline of the empire had started before that. The use of Germanic soldiers reflected the insufficient level of Roman manpower for the army and the increased pressure which attempted invasions or invasion exerted on the Roman military.

What are two result of the plague striking Europe?

One-third of the population died; was a cause for the crusades; lead to the end of feudalism.

How did the Reformation lead to the growth of feudalism?

The Reformation did not lead to the growth of feudalism; in fact, it occurred during the decline of the feudal system. The Reformation was a religious movement in the 16th century that challenged the authority of the Catholic Church and led to significant social and political changes in Europe, but it did not directly impact the feudal system.

What are germanic invasions?

Germanic invasions refers to the invasions of the western part of the Roman Empire by Germanic peoples which started in 406 and lead to the fall of this part of the Roman Empire. The term Germanic refers to a linguistic group which includes German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English. These Germanic peoples were the ancestors of the people who speak these modern languages. The Vandals, Sueves and Alans (who were not Germanic, but Iranian speakers) from Central Europe invaded Gaul in 406 and settled in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and in northwest Africa. The Alemanni of southern Germany took advantage of this to take over Alsace (in north-eastern France) and most of Switzerland. The Burgundians settled in eastern France. The Visigoths, who had been allowed to settle in the eastern part of the Roman Empire by the Romans, moved to south-western France and expanded into the Iberian Peninsula. The Franks, who had been allowed to settle in Holland south of the river Rhine and Belgium, expanded into northern Gaul and gradually took over the whole of France. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes from northern Germany and the Frisians from the northern part of the Netherlands migrated to Britannia in waves and took it over.

Who did Genghis Kan lead invasions against?

Henry VII

How did the collapsee of the western roman empire lead feudalism?

because i dont know

What are the key factors that lead to Rome's downfall?

The major cause of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire was the invasions by the Germanic peoples. These peoples and two more Germanic peoples, who had been allowed to settle in parts of the empire and also took over lands in this part of the empire, eventually seized of its lands, except for Italy. At the end of this process, even Italy was taken over by the Ostrogoths, who were sent there by the eastern Roman Emperor to depose a usurper. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.