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Q: How did john Nash wife play an important role in dealing with his schizophrenia?
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What sickness did john Nash have?

John Nash suffered from schizophrenia.

Why was John Nash unable to communicate his feelings?

John Nash had mental issues which affected his ability to communicate his feelings. In 1959 he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.John Nash was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia which made it difficult for him to communicate his feelings.

How is john Nash and schizophrenia related?

He got disanosed with schizophenia in 1958

Which Nobel Prize winner suffered from paranoid schizophrenia?

John Nash.

When was John Nash found to have schizophrenia?

John Forbes Nash, Jr., a mathematical genius, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in April-May 1959. He was committed, in 1961, to the New Jersey State Hospital at Trenton.

Who was Dr Rosen from A beautiful Mind?

He was the psychiatrist who helped John Nash with his Schizophrenia.

Who had schizophrenia and won the nobel prize in economics?

John Forbes Nash Jr.

How would John Nash be characterized on each of the DSM-IV axes?

John Nash suffers from Schizophrenia-Paranoid type which is DSM-IV coded as 295.3.

What real-life sufferer from schizophrenia is depicted in the movie A Beautiful Mind?


What kind of schizophrenia did John Nash have?

According to the autobiography of John F. Nash Jr. on the website:"The mental disturbances originated in the early months of 1959".Please see the related link.

What celebrities have schizophrenia?

There are very few celebrities that have Schizophrenia, John Nash(Famous Mathmatician) and a couple others. There are quite a few with Bipolar and Anxiety Disorders, but only a handful with Schizophrenia.

What was the scariest part of the mental illness portrayed in a beautiful mind?

The biggest fear portrayed in John Nash's illness in the movie was the concept of not having a grip on reality; not knowing what is real and what is not. In the case of schizophrenia, one suffers from visual and auditory delusions, and a skewed perception of reality, which they perceive to be real. This can become very confusing and give someone the traditional feeling of being "crazy."