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what is the answer a que pendejo eres ahhh pones la pregunta en esta cosa para que te respondan el ensayo. por siacaso TODO sale en el libro

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because bubba was king nd set a lot of fish on fire

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Q: How did nationalism in the 1800s work as a force for both disunity and unity in France?
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Nationalism a force of Unity or Disunity?


Is Nationalism a form of Unity or Disunity?

Both! in my global studies class its been proven that Nationalism is both a Unifying Force or one that creates disunity amongst people and/or nations.

How did nationalism in the 1800s work as a force for both disunity and unity-?

Nationalism as unity: Created Italy, Germany, liberated Egypt, Greece, Belgium, A MILLION EXAMPLES. as disunity: civil war, religious breaks, inter-political tensions (i.e. Walloons and Flemish in Belgium now).

What served as both a unifying and disruptive force in the late 1800s and early 1900s in world war 1?

expansionism or nationalism.:p

How was nationalism be both a unifying and disuniying force?

It could help to unify the people because they all had one thing to believe in together. It could disunity if something goes wrong with the country.

What were the two major reasons that Napoleon's grand empire collapsed?

the survival of Great Britain and the force of nationalism

What served as both a unifying and disruptive force in the late 1800 and and early 1900 and?

In the late 1800s and the early 1900s, it was nationalism that was both a uniting and troublesome force. Nationalism is pride in one's nation.

Was nationalism a stronger motivating force for the vietcong and why?

Was nationalism a stronger motivating force for the vietcong and why?

Why did nationalism develop into such a powerful force during the nineteenth century?

nationalism developed into such a powerful sort of from the affect from accounting

The driving force in many of the revolutions of the 1700s and 1800s was?

The driving force that stimulated the revolution in the 1700 and 1800s was capitalism. Many industries wanted to make money.

What was the primary driving force in the revolutions of Belgium Poland and Italy in 1830?


What were the two reasons that the Napoleon's empire collapsed?

the survival of Great Britain and the force of nationalism