There are various factors that contribute to thedirtiness of the water in the more-deprived areas of Africa. The two main factors are lack of cleaning facilities and lack of water transport. As there are no pipes (due to money factors), the only way to get water is straight from a well. This, in turn, creates dirty water.
Actualy Africa has only a small percent of water.
The water they do have is poluted as a rusult of 3 things.
1. Us we polute it every day
2. Animals use water to "Go to the bathroom"
3. Potchers often kill animals and leave there insides in water creating bad water.
I hope i answerd your question!
If you want the textbook answer to this question, it is quite simple. There are many factors such as deforestation, desertification and irrigation. We can also take into account that the fresh water supply of the entire world is less that 1% and even so , most of that 1% are in glaciers.
If we are specifically talking about Africa, then there is so much more than what science can tell, there is a lot of politics and corruption in some countries that we cannot even begin to understand. Political leaders do not care for thepeople and are out to comfort themselves. Can we get clean water to those who need it? yes! Will the powers of the world allow it? You answer that.
"Clean" water is difficult to find anywhere; it takes technology to produce and transport a large volume of drinkable water. It takes a lot of water to allow many people to live together, so water is a primary factory in forming a city, and the word "civilization" comes from the Latin word for "city".
The first known "civilizations" were Egypt and Babylon; both were empires based on control of the main river. For Egypt, this is the Nile; for Babylon, it's the Tigris and the Euphrates.
In Africa, some of the North African nations such as Egypt, Morocco or Algiers have passably decent water systems. South Africa still maintains a fair level of civilization, but in central Africa, water supplies are one of the primary causes of illness and disease.
because India is actually a very dirty place and people litter all the time and by littering it pollutes the enviroment btw hi brodie and anny hehe
What are some natural resources in west Africa
around 6 miles
Interlacustrine means situated between lakes or bodies of water. This led to state formation in Africa because much of Africa is water-less. The water enabled people to band together and form communities.
south Africa is really hot and there is alot of animals but not that much of water and food and there is alot of brown and black people there
they throw their food in the water and use the sun to cook it to medium rare :)
Of course Africa has fresh water. Africa has a very hot dry climate and that makes it hard for people and animals to get fresh water.
No not all people in Africa do but thoundsands of millons stil drink unheatly water in AfricaThe people who do drink the unhealthy water have to because there is a shortage of water...but that's just what I think
well rich and wealthy people in Africa may have hot and cold water others may not. Poor people however probably only have the water they can find which is why some people sponser them they get given frech water
Africa is a continent of 53 countries, home to well over 1 billion people. Yes there is running water in large parts of Africa!
3,000,000 people in the world don't have water. Most common country is Africa. 0 people in Africa have access to clean drinking water. That is a lie not zero people just very little.
Use soap and water.
In Africa, people use the Quiver Tree as a storage for water and food.
Africa in many part have dry or xerophytic habitat so have less pure water which lead to the scaricity of water over time and so people of Africa are compel to live on dirty or unhealthy water.
What are some natural resources in west Africa
shortage of water
1 mile