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Q: How do you get Dusknor?
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The last boss on Pokemon Explorers of time?

I think its either Dusknor or Darkrai OR Palkia...OR OR Dialga...Its most likely Dusknor or Darkrai though.its darkrai of course

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it evolves dusclops to dusknor when you trade it

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Give Dusclops the reaper cloth and trade him. He evolves into Dusknor (I think that's how you spell it)

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ok, here is a list of pkmn that can use those items to evolve. give them the item and trade it, it will evolve: electrizer:electabuz-electravine magmarizer:magmar-magmortar protector:rydon-rypirior reaper cloth:duskclops-dusknor

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(My opinion) Floatzel 55 & higher Palkia/Dialga 55 & higher Tortera 55 & higher Luxray 55 & higher Garchomp 55 & higher Skarmory 55 & higher

Where is the temporal tower located in explorers of time?

I forgot which tower it is but if it is the one in the sky you have to go through the hidden land ( I don't know how many floors) Then talk to Dusknor and his minions and battle them. When you win you will find out something but I 'll keep it a surprise that you wait and talk to your partner and will go into the tower and get challenge by Dialga after you go through some floors.

How do you defeat dusknor?

My suggestion is to throw an x-eye seed,sleep seed or even better a stun seed then tackle the sableye with grovyle then charge at dusknoir with your best attacks. #spoilers# You should really be around lv.45 because the final boss Primal Dialga is Lv.49. Also this should really help you against dusknoir because he will be lv.40-45. Hope i helped :)

Who are the bosses in Pokemon explorers of time?

Well there are a few so here they are!1: Drowzey. Hes not that though, bring loads of Oran berry's.2: Groudon. He IS Hard, but bring at least four reviver seed's, 2 for each of you.3: Luxray. This one is pretty hard because there are a few of em, but if you know the move vacuem cut, it REALLY Helps, and set your partners tactics to, " Go after foes" and again, have a few reviver seeds.4:Celibi. She is not hard because you don't have to fight her, these events get thurther apart.5:Dusknor. He IS Hard in a way, again bring reviver seeds.6:Dialga. He is pretty hard, sorry i forgot what moves are strong against him, but ask on other Pokemon sites and it will say, it doesn't really matter anyway, just keep attacking. Orbs don't work, but its REALLY Good to use seeds such as sleep and stun, it stops him from attacking and you can get a few moves in. AGAIN [ Lolz ] Have reviver seeds.7:Wigglytuff and the Guild. All ya need really is vacuem cut, seeds, wideslash is good and reviver seeds!8:Scizzor. You don't fight him, he is a legendary explorer and highers your rank.9:Manaphey. This is pretty hard because he gets ill and you haveto goto miracle sea, it has 21 floors, you have to beet garadoes, he is not that hard.10:Regigigas..................................... Im sorry! I don't remember what happens, but reviver seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hotspice 554 :) :)

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