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take off his helmet?

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Q: How do you kill an astronaut?
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Is River Song the Astronaut?

Yes. River Song is the Impossible Astronaut. She was programmed by the Silence to kill the Doctor even though she didn't want to.

What happens when an astronaut kills another astronaut on the moon?

They have gone to the moon not to kill each other, but for a more purposeful mission. They could have done it on earth.

Is the impossible astronaut River Song?

Yes. River Song is the Impossible Astronaut. She was programmed by the Silence to kill the Doctor even though she didn't want to.

Will Amy kill the astronaut?

No but she shoots at it but just misses its actual head inside the suit

Why does an astronaut have to wear a helmet on the moon?

There is no air on the moon. It is a vaccum. Exposure to a vaccum will kill a person in seconds.

Why is a rip in the spacesuit is so dangerous?

The oxygen that the astronaut is breathing escapes through that rip (because there is no oxygen outside of the spacesuit, diffusion makes the oxygen spread outside of the spacesuit), and eventually the astronaut dies of oxygen deprivation.the temperature helps to kill the astronaut as well.

How do you say astronaut in German?

Astronaut is spelled astronaut in German.

Why a astronaut and not an astronaut?

"An astronaut" is the correct form, not "a astronaut." "an" is used instead of "a" whenever the word it modifies begins with a vowel.

What is the singular possessive of astronaut?

Singular = astronaut, singular possessive = astronaut's. Plural = astronauts, plural possessive = astronauts'.

What is Neil astronaut?

neil astronaut is a astronaut his real name is neil armstrong

Can you give an example of astronaut in a sentence?

The astronaut spent thirty days in space. They sent the astronaut to the station to see if it was still intact.

Why does an astronaut weigh less on the moon?

The astronaut's mass is the same on the moon but the gravitational force applied on the astronaut is weaker thus the astronaut appears to weigh less.