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películas de Horror but I don't know what the pronunciation is sorry

The above is incorrect; it is: "películas de terror" not "horror"

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pelicula de miedo

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Q: How do you say scary movies in Spanish?
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Are all scary movies true?

No.. Only if they say true story on them..

What makes scary movies scary?

Your fears.

What is the fear of jump scares?

There isn't a scientific term for fear of scary movies so fear of scary movies is just called, fear of scary movies

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All the saw movies and all the scary movies as in 1,2,3,4,5,6.

Why are scary movies addicting?

Scary movies are addicting because they are just simply awesome.

How do you say western movies in Spanish?

You can say "películas del oeste".

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Scary movies turned into really funny sketches

Are scary movies really scary?

Hell yeah!!!

What movie had the famous line do you like my scary movies?

The line is, "Do you like scary movies?" not "Do you like my scary movies?" and it's from the 1996 movie Scream, starring Neve Campbell.

How do you say 'he made movies' in Spanish?

You could say "Él hizo películas".

How do you say classical movies in spanish?

You say, "films classics": "películas clásicas."

How do you say the word romantic movies in spanish?

Películas románticas