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Writing about West Africa is saying it's geography but West Africans Are saying there religions

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Q: How do you think these writers views of west Africa may have differed from the views of west africans?
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How do you think these writers' views of west Africa may have differed from the views of west africans?

Writing about West Africa is saying it's geography but West Africans Are saying there religions

How do you think writers views of west Africa may have differed from the views of west Africans?

Writing about West Africa is saying it's geography but West Africans Are saying there religions

How do you think these writers views of West Africa. May have differed from the views of West Africans?

Writing about West Africa is saying it's geography but West Africans Are saying there religions

How do you think these writers views of west Africa may have differed from the views of west Africa?

Writing about West Africa is saying it's geography but West Africans Are saying there religions

How do you think these writers views of west Africa may have different from the views of west Africans?

Writing about West Africa is saying it's geography but West Africans Are saying there religions

Why do Africans eat jaguar?

i don't know. They might eat it because they think it cures a disease?

What difficult ocean voyage in which kidnapped africans were thransported from Africa to America?

it was the Atlantic ocean, they set sail from north Africa (morocco) i think and sailed the Atlantic ocean hitting many storms and many africans and spanish/portuguese sailors died

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no, they make them out of mud, clay and straw. no, they make them out of mud, clay and straw. I think it would be useful to specify which Africans. Africa is a continent. You must specify the country

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Not to be rude to Africans, but most of Africa's water is in fact not clean. But, Nigeria's actually, I think, may be clean. ~Wariolink~

What is a day like in Africa?

how people spend their days in Africa differs, depending on where they were they live, what they do for a living etc.... not all africans have lions running around in their backyards( as you Americans and europeans think, no offence to you)

Are African Americans and Black Americans the same?

yes. it just depends on peoples preference. Some people do not like to be called black and some people do not like to be called African American. But I think it is proper to say African American

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