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It created Foriegn Policy.

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Q: How does the Monroe doctrine invoke the US sympathy for revolutionary government in south America?
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Attempts to establish strong governments in post Revolutionary America were seriously hindered by?

The attempts to develop a powerful government during the post-Revolutionary America was prevented by a revolutionary ideology. This ideology teaches suspicions and natural rights to all the authorities of the government.

What will America win after the Revolutionary War?

After the Revolutionary War America won freedom from Britain.

How was the war for independence revolutionary?

That depends entirely on what you mean by "revolutionary." The war for independence was revolutionary enough that it granted the American colonies freedom from an overruling government, but it wasn't revolutionary enough to grant the colonies everything that they wanted in the Treaty of Paris.

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America did win their Revolutionary War, or what is called "the War of Independence".

Why did the Revolutionary War Begins?

The people that were born lived and worked in America were of the opinion that they were paying too much to the British government in taxes.

Agreement between the US and the revolutionary government of panama granting America the right to build a canal?

hay-banau-varilla treaty

Did Britain help America win in the revolutionary war?

Britain did not help America win the Revolutionary War.

What famous doctrine first declared America's intention to contain Soviet expansion?

Truman Doctrine

Did European countries test the Monroe Doctrine because of America's superior military strength?

No they didn't. They thought that America would fall with the Monroe Doctrine.

The Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in response to revolutions in?

south america

Why did America needed a Bill of Rights?

The main purpose of the Revolutionary War was to bring about a less repressive, fairer form of government. The Bill of Rights was therefore very appropriate as a means of creating a better government.

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The Revolutionary War was America's war for liberty from Britain.