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That would be Pandora.

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Q: How is first woman bestowed upon humankind by Zeus as a punishment for Prometheus' theft of fire?
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Who is Prometheus What did he do to help humans?

He took the fire from the gods and gave it to the humans.

Who is Prometheus and what is the story behind the promethean torch?

In some Greek myths, Prometheus is credited with the creation of Man. But because his brother, Epimetheus, gave all the favorable gifts to the animals, nothing was left to give man. So, Prometheus mad man walk on two legs, like the gods, and gave him the gift of fire, another item only the gods possessed. After an incident during the first sacrifice, Zeus took fire away from Man. Prometheus stole it back, and as a punishment, Zeus had him chained to a mountain to have an eagle eat his lever every day for eternity.

What was the story of Prometheus?

This is the whole legend of Prometheus:One day, a quarrel broke because of a bull: no one agrees on the pieces that will be given to the gods and those that will be given to mankind. Prometheus was chosen to be the arbiter of the conflict. Prometheus makes two bags. In the first, there is all the flesh, but he hides it behind the stomach, which is the least delicious part of the animal. In the second, there are bones hidden under a layer of creamy white fat (Gods love to eat fat). Zeus chose the second bag. (That's why the ancient Greeks sacrificed only the fat and the bones of an animal)When Zeus discovers the ruse, he punishes Prometheus by removing fire from mankind. Prometheus visit Athena to ask her to help him enter Olympus without being seen. She helps him. He steals fire from the gods and give it to mankind.Zeus decides to avenge him. He asks Hephaestus to make a woman with clay and give her life. This woman is Pandora. (Pandora had a bad temper. Zeus maybe thought that living with her would drive Prometheus crazy) Zeus sends the gift to Epimetheus, his brother. But he denies the gift.Increasingly irritated, Zeus orders to enchain Prometheus in the Caucasus Mountains, where a vulture will eat his liver all day, for eternity. Later, Zeus is sorry for having inflicted this punishment to Prometheus because he once gave him a good advice: to not marry Thetis to avoid having a child that is more powerful than him (This child, when he will grow up, could dethrone Zeus.). Zeus ordered Heracles to release Prometheus. Since he condemned Prometheus to eternal punishment, Zeus told Prometheus that, to give the impression of being still a prisoner, he must wear a ring made of metal chains.

Who is the first woman that the greek god Prometheus made?

Prometheus did not make women. He made mortal man. A women - Pandora -was crafted by Hephaestus by the request of Zeus.

What is prometheus known for?

Likely his greatest accomplishments were considered to be creating man out of clay and stealing fire for his creations.This is the whole legend of Prometheus:One day, a quarrel broke because of a bull: no one agrees on the pieces that will be given to the gods and those that will be given to mankind. Prometheus was chosen to be the arbiter of the conflict. Prometheus makes two bags. In the first, there is all the flesh, but he hides it behind the stomach, which is the least delicious part of the animal. In the second, there are bones hidden under a layer of creamy white fat (Gods love to eat fat). Zeus chose the second bag. (That's why the ancient Greeks sacrificed only the fat and the bones of an animal)When Zeus discovers the ruse, he punishes Prometheus by removing fire from mankind. Prometheus visit Athena to ask her to help him enter Olympus without being seen. She helps him. He steals fire from the gods and give it to mankind.Zeus decides to avenge him. He asks Hephaestus to make a woman with clay and give her life. This woman is Pandora. (Pandora had a bad temper. Zeus maybe thought that living with her would drive Prometheus crazy) Zeus sends the gift to Epimetheus, his brother. But he denies the gift.Increasingly irritated, Zeus orders to enchain Prometheus in the Caucasus Mountains, where a vulture will eat his liver all day, for eternity. Later, Zeus is sorry for having inflicted this punishment to Prometheus because he once gave him a good advice: to not marry Thetis to avoid having a child that is more powerful than him (This child, when he will grow up, could dethrone Zeus.). Zeus ordered Heracles to release Prometheus. Since he condemned Prometheus to eternal punishment, Zeus told Prometheus that, to give the impression of being still a prisoner, he must wear a ring made of metal chains.

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Who was the first woman bestowed upon humankind by Zeus as a punishment for Prometheus's theft of fire?


I am the first woman bestowed upon humankind by Zeus who am i?


Who is Prometheus What did he do to help humans?

He took the fire from the gods and gave it to the humans.

Why did the soviet authorities erected a statue to Prometheus near Chernobyl when the nuclear power station was first built?

Because Prometheus the titan gave the gift of fire to humankind so that they can start their civilization, live in cities and build empires. He is the symbol of intellect which pierces through the darkest night and brings prosperity to humanity instead of chaos. Nuclear power was considered to be as important to humanity as fire; for us, technological development is the new "Prometheus" which provides us with the "gift" of nuclear fusion. Ironic, considering that Prometheus was caught and tortured by the gods - and nuclear fusion destroyed everything around Chernobyl in a nuclear holocaust.

What are the release dates for HBO First Look - 1992 Prometheus?

HBO First Look - 1992 Prometheus was released on: USA: 29 May 2012

Who is Prometheus and what is the story behind the promethean torch?

In some Greek myths, Prometheus is credited with the creation of Man. But because his brother, Epimetheus, gave all the favorable gifts to the animals, nothing was left to give man. So, Prometheus mad man walk on two legs, like the gods, and gave him the gift of fire, another item only the gods possessed. After an incident during the first sacrifice, Zeus took fire away from Man. Prometheus stole it back, and as a punishment, Zeus had him chained to a mountain to have an eagle eat his lever every day for eternity.

Who molded Pandora and with what?

Pandora was actually created by all the gods. Zeus commanded Hephaestus to mould her first out of earth. The gods then all offered her 'gifts' to make her unique. She was nicknamed 'Beautiful evil'. Pandora was 'the first woman' and was created as part of Prometheus's punishment for stealing fire from the gods. Hope this helps.

Who was titan prometheus?

Prometheus is the god protector of mankind. This is the whole legend of Prometheus:One day, a quarrel broke because of a bull: no one agrees on the pieces that will be given to the gods and those that will be given to mankind. Prometheus was chosen to be the arbiter of the conflict. Prometheus makes two bags. In the first, there is all the flesh, but he hides it behind the stomach, which is the least delicious part of the animal. In the second, there are bones hidden under a layer of creamy white fat (Gods love to eat fat). Zeus chose the second bag. (That's why the ancient Greeks sacrificed only the fat and the bones of an animal)When Zeus discovers the ruse, he punishes Prometheus by removing fire from mankind. Prometheus visit Athena to ask her to help him enter Olympus without being seen. She helps him. He steals fire from the gods and give it to mankind.Zeus decides to avenge him. He asks Hephaestus to make a woman with clay and give her life. This woman is Pandora. (Pandora had a bad temper. Zeus maybe thought that living with her would drive Prometheus crazy) Zeus sends the gift to Epimetheus, his brother. But he denies the gift.Increasingly irritated, Zeus orders to enchain Prometheus in the Caucasus Mountains, where a vulture will eat his liver all day, for eternity. Later, Zeus is sorry for having inflicted this punishment to Prometheus because he once gave him a good advice: to not marry Thetis to avoid having a child that is more powerful than him (This child, when he will grow up, could dethrone Zeus.). Zeus ordered Heracles to release Prometheus. Since he condemned Prometheus to eternal punishment, Zeus told Prometheus that, to give the impression of being still a prisoner, he must wear a ring made of metal chains.

What was the story of Prometheus?

This is the whole legend of Prometheus:One day, a quarrel broke because of a bull: no one agrees on the pieces that will be given to the gods and those that will be given to mankind. Prometheus was chosen to be the arbiter of the conflict. Prometheus makes two bags. In the first, there is all the flesh, but he hides it behind the stomach, which is the least delicious part of the animal. In the second, there are bones hidden under a layer of creamy white fat (Gods love to eat fat). Zeus chose the second bag. (That's why the ancient Greeks sacrificed only the fat and the bones of an animal)When Zeus discovers the ruse, he punishes Prometheus by removing fire from mankind. Prometheus visit Athena to ask her to help him enter Olympus without being seen. She helps him. He steals fire from the gods and give it to mankind.Zeus decides to avenge him. He asks Hephaestus to make a woman with clay and give her life. This woman is Pandora. (Pandora had a bad temper. Zeus maybe thought that living with her would drive Prometheus crazy) Zeus sends the gift to Epimetheus, his brother. But he denies the gift.Increasingly irritated, Zeus orders to enchain Prometheus in the Caucasus Mountains, where a vulture will eat his liver all day, for eternity. Later, Zeus is sorry for having inflicted this punishment to Prometheus because he once gave him a good advice: to not marry Thetis to avoid having a child that is more powerful than him (This child, when he will grow up, could dethrone Zeus.). Zeus ordered Heracles to release Prometheus. Since he condemned Prometheus to eternal punishment, Zeus told Prometheus that, to give the impression of being still a prisoner, he must wear a ring made of metal chains.

Why is AFRICA is considered as cradle of humankind?

Because, it is believed that first humans lived there.

Who is the first woman that the greek god Prometheus made?

Prometheus did not make women. He made mortal man. A women - Pandora -was crafted by Hephaestus by the request of Zeus.

What was the name of the first novel about Frankenstein?

Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus (by Mary Shelley).