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The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution.

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After the French and Indian War, England was in deep financial debt. As a result, the taxes on the colonists of the 13 colonies were increased. However, the taxes in England remained the same. This made many colonists furious. England's excuse was that the war was fought for the colonists, so they should pay for it. As a result, the colonists desired to become independent from Britain.

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Whats the connections between French and Indian war and the Revolutionary war?

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Q: How is the French and Indian War related to the colonists desire to become independent from England?
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How did England anger the colonists after the French and Indian war?

the colonists owned these polar bears. These polar bears where trained to kill both indians and French, but the French took these polar bears and trained them to kill the indians and colonists.

Was it reasonable for Great Britain to expect the colonists to help pay for the French and Indian War?

Some British thought it was reasonable to expect the colonists to pay for the war. Others did not feel it was reasonable. And since the colonists had never paid taxes before, they did not think it was reasonable.

What was a result of the french and Indian war that led directly to the American revolution?

England decided to make the American colonists help pay war Kollin Evans (:

The French and Indian War was a struggle between France and England over control of which continent?

Ohio, the French teamed up with the Indians and the British teamed up with the colonists. The British and the colonists won, but the colonists wouldn't divide Ohio with the British, resulting in another war. The Indians were sent to the Northeast corner of Ohio. They had another war over that corner a few years later, The Battle of Fallen Timbers. The colonists won and a treaty was signed giving all of Ohio to the colonists.

How did King George III plan to pay for the French and Indian War?

The King of England made the colonists pay taxes called the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act is an act that put a stamp on British goods and that stamp meant that the colonists had to pay a tax.

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Why were colonists angered by king George approach to governing them?

The colonists expected to be free from England after the French and Indian War

what decisions did the colonists have to make?

The colonists were ready to stand up for themselves. Colonists decided to become independent of Mother England, developing their own country. The French and Indian war that was a seven-year war between the years 1754-1763. The war was fought between the British colonies and New France.

What war were the colonists expected to pay for?

The French and Indian War, fought in part to defend the colonists.

Who battled the New England Colonists?

the british (aka the redcoats) also the French and the indians.

Why could the colonists not stop the taxes brought on by England after the french and Indian war?


Who supported the colonists in the war and why?

The French and Spanish because they held grudges against England and saw the opportunity to hurt England.

Why Louisbourg was important for French and England?

It was essential because the British/colonists could easily cut off French supplies

How did England anger the colonists after the French and Indian war?

the colonists owned these polar bears. These polar bears where trained to kill both indians and French, but the French took these polar bears and trained them to kill the indians and colonists.

Who united the colonists and helped spark their desire to become independent from England?

The colonists were largely united by the actions of the British and their attempts to levy additional taxes without representation. George Washington was a senior officer in the French and Indian War and later was chosen as the commander-in-chief of the continental army in the American Revolution.

Why were colonists angered by King George III's approach to governing them?

The colonists expected to be free from England after the French and Indian War

Which of these was not part od the triangular trade?

The New England colonists exported rum to the French West Indies.

Name two things the colonists learned in the french and Indian war that helped them in the war with England?
