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Bleach does eventually lose its effectiveness, depending on how long it is stored. When diluted with water, bleach loses it's ability to disinfect after 24 hrs.

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Q: How long will bleach be effective?
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Using bleach regular does it looses its effectiveness?

No bleach will remain effective

Is bleach effective on dirty surfaces?

Yes it does

Is bleach only effective on clean surfaces?


Why do colour of your cloths get faded when it is kept under sun for a long time?

Ultraviolet light is almost as effective as chlorine as far as the ability to bleach cloth goes.

How effective is the mix of a teaspoon of bleach to a gallon of water?

not very good.

Can clhorine bleach kill HIV outside the body?

Chlorine bleach has been found effective in killing HIV outside of the body.

Is chlorine bleach affected by the temperature?

The hotter the water you use w/ the bleach, the less effective the bleach may be. I'd use it w/ water no hotter the what you would use to bath/shower in.

Can you use bleach to kill plantar warts?

I have warts on my finger tips. Will bleach kill these, and how do I apply it?

What happens when you mix 30 volume creme developer and bleach?

30 volume developer is often mixed with bleach for high lift blonding. This mixture is very effective, but should be used cautiously if done by a nonprofessional. There can be serious side effects if left on the hair too long.

Do you have to use bleach to clean a toilet?

No, traditionally bleach is used to clean toilets as it kills bacteria, however these days there are many alternate products available that just as effective.

What is the most effective way to get rid of stains in clothes?

bleach is the most effective way to get rid of stains it removes all the dirt and cleares out the stain.

Is there a more effective cleaning solution other than bleach in regards to disinfecting when cleaning the home?

no not to my knowledge