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Well if the child is adopted before he or she is able to keep any real memory of the adoption the adoptive parents may tell him or her that he/she was adopted when the child is old enough to understand. Telling a child that the were adopted is hard to do, the child will have millions of questions like where is my birth parents, why was I adopted, and you may not be able to answer the. So advise to those telling their child they are adopted write down all the facts you know about the adoption like when it happened why it happened and if their birth parents want to be contacted.

If the child was older say 6 and on when he/she was adopted they will know about it and will have questions.

In some cases a child isn't told that he/she is adopted and may never know unless they find out on their own.

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Q: How many adoptive parent's tell the child that they are adopted?
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What can you do if your parents adopt you without adoption papers?

In many cases when adoption papers haven't been signed this is a good indication that either someone in the family was pregnant with you and for reasons of their own could't look after you, so your adoptive parents took over. Even a friend of one of your adoptive parents. Most adoptions that are legal are in the records of that adoption agency and the papers are for protection purposes so that child can never be taken away from the adoptive parents. Please sit down with your parents and tell them you are old enough for the truth. Assure them you still love them, but you feel a large void in your life and you need to know who your real parents are so you can get on with your life. I doubt they will refuse, but if they do, you can either try to find out the adoption agency, or if this is too hard hire a detective to find out who your parents were. Good luck Marcy

How many children does Gaara have?

If it is from narito then none but he adopted a child named Shinki. Does that help?

How many years can your child be in another's custody before you lose all parental rights and the state allows them to be legally adopted?

That would depend on what the court thought of your relationship with the child.

Can a mother in Texas give up her legal rights to a child at birth without going to court or contacting a judge?

Yes you can, but it should be done through a lawyer. Example: Many couples that can't have children will often go through a lawyer and pay for your medical expenses and even perhaps allow you to live with them while you are pregnant. In turn, you sign papers that as soon as the baby is born they will be the adoptive parents. I am not sure about the U.S., but in Canada after the birth of your child you have 30 days to decide if it was the right things to do. Phone your "Bar Association" and find a lawyer that deals in child adoption. Once you do find that lawyer then you will meet the prospective adoptive parents and get to know them. Often the adoptive parents will also pay all legal costs. Yes, Texas was one of the first to pass a Safe Haven Law for newborns. The mother may give up her infant at the time of birth or within 30 days of the birth. The infant must be surrendered at a licensed medical facility, the best choice is a hospital emergency room. The mother does not need the consent of the court, will not be required to give any information other than that which she willingly volunteers and will not be required to sign any documents.

How many foster homes does a foster child go through before being adopted?

It depends I'm adopted and went through 4 some go through 7 some just stay in one. but most kids get passed around a lot.maybe its because of physical or sexual abuse. or the foster parents are sick and die or maybe just the child doesn't function well in that home.

Related questions

What is the benefits on adoption?

There are many benefits to adoption. First for the biological parents they know that their child is safe and will be raised in a stable environment that they alone couldn't provide. Most adoptive parents (the ones adopting the child) can not have children of their own and adopting allows them to raise and love a child like their own. Also the adoptive parents may be able to have a mixed family that is one that has a combination of biological and adopted children. The child that is adopted gets many benefits, one of which is being raised in a loving home. If the child was adopted in an open adoption they may be able to keep in contact with their biological family. A benefit I have experienced as an adopted child is that I get to share my experience and memory of being adopted with other adopted kids.

Can you get your baby back on an open adoption?

Legal and lawful adoption is a process that ends in the final and irrevocable transference of all rights and responsibilities for a child from the biological parents to the adoptive parents. Open adoption is an agreement between adoptive parents and biological parents that addresses continuing contact between biological parents and the adopted child. This can take many forms, from regular letters to frequent visits. Open adoption does not alter the legality of the adoption, the finality and irrevocability, in any way.

How many adopted children look for birth parents?

"Real" parents are the parents who love and care for a child. So, adoptive parents are a child's real parents. If you are talking about returning to birth parents, this rarely happens. There are many processes in place to make sure that the best interests of the child are honored. This means a "forever family" that is formed by adoption. The parent-child bond is formed both emotionally and legally. Some families keep close ties between adoptive families and birth parents, and everyone can live happily with this arrangement if it is what is best for the child.

How can an adopted 18-year-old find their biological parents?

The best way to start would be by asking your adoptive parents if they know the names of your birth parents. If they don't, then ask them if they will help you find them. But before you begin this discussion with them, you have to know they may be upset by it, and may not want to talk about it. But this is a natural reaction with adoptive parents; they may feel you would only be hurt by trying to contact your birth parents. If you're of legal age, then you can try searching for them on your own, without permission from your adoptive parents. There are many sites for finding people, but unless you know their names, that won't help you any. But many adoption agencies keep a record on file with the adoptive parents signed consent for the child to contact them when s/he is older. So if you can at least find the name of the adoption agency, or the name of the attorney who handled your adoption, they would be a good place to start.

Can you still see and contact your parents if you are adopted?

Depends. It's up to the adoptive parents to decide. Your biological parents have given up every right to you. Many feel it would be too hard for a child to bond to the new family if the biological parents are still there. It can also depend on why your biological parents gave you up for adoption. If their rights were taken away due to drugs for instance, it would not be in your best interest to see them.

Why should children not be able to contact their biological parents?

There are multiple reasons why adopted children should not be allowed to contact their biological parents, however this is dependent on the reasons why the children was put into foster/adoptive care. For example, some children are removed from their biological parent's care due to a matter of them not being able to care for the child, they may have broken the law are not fit to have the child. Considering this, the child, at the age of 18 are allowed to look into their biological parents if they wish. This is because they will no longer need permission. Many children choose not to do this as they settle with the adoptive families and feel no reason to contact their biological parents. Some children are placed for adoption as their parents feel it is the better option for the well being of the child. However, in these case the parents often opt for an open adoption which is designed so that the biological parents are still allowed relatively regular contact with their child. In this case, i believe it is fully acceptable for the child to have contact with the parent As long as the biological parent did no wrong by the child, i believe they should be able to contact their parents

Is there any benefits when children are adopted?

There are many benefits for the child when he or she is adopted. When a child is given up for adoption it is usually because the biological parents are not fit to care for the child. So a benefit to the child is being able to grow up in a stable and safe environment that their parents couldn't provide them with. If the child was put in an open adoption then the child may be able to be in contact with his/her biological parent(s) if the parents (both sets) wish.

How many children put up for adoption live healthy live?

As many as have wonderful adoptive parents and the $$$ to do so.

Can your adopted child marry your biological child?

As adopted the adoptive family becomes like your biological one so you can not marry the immediate family since that would legally be incest, but many states and countries allow marriage between cousins. If the adoption is reverted you can marry whoever you want.

Why is there a need for foster care?

Because many children have parents who can not or will not take care of them properly or at all. There are not enough adoptive parents to adopt all children without parents.

How can you find your sealed adoption records to find your biological parents?

I have collected many stories of my birth parents. they are both not alive, that is of the reason I was adopted by a family that is not related to my birth parents. I want closure about all of this. It is a tragic way both my parents and all the siblings born the same moment I was born. My adoptive mother told me that she is not my mother. My adoptive father gave me hints and told me to use them to find where I belong.... My story is of many grievance's and of a lot of other peoples resentments and discrimination's since the end of the second world war and of cause during Ike. It is a lot of years now and I am a parent of adult children. I have no money to find my answers of my being adopted, but I do have an interesting story of how much I am living through due to the predators of my being a foundling that was adopted. So you see it is extremely important for me to find the papers of this. YOU can e-mail your questions and replys to: How do I find and open to me the closed files and records of my birth parents an who they really are along with my adoption records. I have my birth certificate from my adoptive parents with their family name of marriage.

How an adopted child can become a us citizen?

When the minor illegal alien is adopted, the minor child gains the citizenship of his adopted parents, so when he/she is adopted they become a US citizen if their parents are US citizens.