The volume of water in the Indian ocean works out to be 17,543,940,979,332,434 gallons.
There are 70 million cubic miles of water in the Pacific, which equates to 187,189,915,062,857,142,857 gallons, (187 quintillion gallons or 187,189,915,062 billion gallons), of water in the Pacific Ocean.
well there are many many gallons of water in the ocean so i cannot quite approximate how much fuls the ocean. sorry
Indian Ocean is bounded by many places
There are many animals that live in the Indian Ocean, of which all are wonderful and unique; but not Sharks, much anymore.
The Indian ocean just touches the southern tip of India and is the only ocean that does. but the two other bodies of water are the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian Sea in the west. Hope this helped :)
The Indian Ocean lies off the east coast of Africa
There are billions of gallons of water within the Indian Ocean. This ocean covers an area of 47,900,00 square miles.
well there are many many gallons of water in the ocean so i cannot quite approximate how much fuls the ocean. sorry
There is (not approx) 17,543,940,979,332,434 gallons of water within the Atlantic Ocean region. Seventeen Quadrillion Gallons! The Pacific Ocean would be around the 35,000,000,000,000,000 mark.
there are 1.3 sextillon liters or 343 billion billion gallons of water
The arctic ocean has an area of 5,105,700 square miles. There is an estimate of over 4.4 million gallons of water. +++ That answer only makes sense if you quote the volume, not surface area - i.e. include the mean depth over the ocean's area.
It depends how big the box is...
many oceans
21,000,000 gallons
it is the Pacific Ocean,the Indian ocean, the Arabian ocean, and the artic ocean
The Indian Ocean's area is 73,556,000 square kilometers.
There are two currents in the Indian Ocean. One current is name the Agulhas which is a warm current. The other current is name West Australian current which is cold water.
264.172 gallons.