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Q: How many miles are from Babylon to nineveh?
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How far is it from Nineveh to Babylon?

The cities of Babylon and Nineveh were two of the most important cities of ancient mesopotamia. The ruins of Nineveh are located on the outskirts of the city of Mosul in northern Iraq. The ruins of Babylon are located nearby the city of Hillah in central Iraq. The distance between the cities is approximately 510 Kilometers (317 miles).

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In Akkad between Babylon and Nineveh

What was Nineveh famous for?

The poweful rulers of Nineveh, a city in northern Mesopotamia, was famous for the destruction of Babylon in 689 B.C.

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1150 miles

How far is tarshish from nineveh?

According to the book of Jonah in the bible, Tarshish is approximately 2500 miles from Nineveh. Nineveh was 500 miles east of Jerusalem while Tarshish was 2000 miles from Jerusalem.

What does Babylon Nineveh and Ur have in common?

They were all capital cities in ancient Mesopotamian empires.

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1241 miles

Why was Nineveh important to Mesopotamia?

In 689 B.C. Babylon was destroyed by powerful rulers from a northern Mesopotamian city called Nineveh. This was the Assyrian Empire, which spread across the Fertile Crescent. The ruins of Nineveh show an incredible civilization and provide glimpses into the history of Mesopotamia.

How many city states are there in meopotamia?

There are seven great cities in Mesopotamia. The seven cities are: the Uruk, Akkad, Assur, Babylon, Nimrud, Nineveh, and the Persepolis.