now there are 395 articles,22 parts,12 schedules
on 26th January 1950 there were 395 articles,8 schedules and 22 parts.Right now there are 448 articles,22 parts and 12 schedules
The Constitution, in its current form, consists of a preamble, 22 parts containing 444 articles, 12 schedules, 5 appendices and 98 amendments to date.
12 Schedule 1st--Names of states and UT2nd--Salaries of constitutional authorities 3rd- forms of oaths 4th--representation to the state in parliament5th--special protection to schedule tribes and areas6th--special protection of tribal people 7th- division of power b/w center and state govt. 8th-- recognised languages 9th--land reforms act 10-- anti defection11- functions of panchayat raj 12-- functions of urban local govt
There are seven Articles in the Constitution. The three parts of the Constitution include the Preamble, the Articles, and the Amendments.
At present, there are 448 Articles, 25 Parts, 12 Schedules and 97 in the Indian Constitution. Initially, there were 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 8 Schedules when it came into force on January 26, 1950. 98 Amendments , I guess.
now there are 395 articles,22 parts,12 schedules
on 26th January 1950 there were 395 articles,8 schedules and 22 parts.Right now there are 448 articles,22 parts and 12 schedules
No. Now there may be 402 articles in "indian constitution," whatever you mean by that... but if there ARE, then there [would be] 402 articles, as above. "Articles" is plural, so the plural form of "to be" must be used, which is "are." "ARE there 402 (four hundred and two) articles in [the] [I]ndian [C]onstitution?"
The Constitution, in its current form, consists of a preamble, 22 parts containing 444 articles, 12 schedules, 5 appendices and 98 amendments to date.
395 articles , which are divided into 12 parts & 12 schedules....
There are two parts to Article 2 Section1 of the Philippines Constitution. The Constitution says that the country is republican and democratic, and that the people in the country have sovereignty.
article 1
Article 1 of the constitution establishes the first branch of the government which is the legislature or congress. There are 10 parts to article 1 expressing the minimum requirements in age of elected legislature officials and term-serving limits.
The 7 main parts of the US Constitution are called Articles, and each deals with a specific portion of the federal government or the Constitution itself: Article I - The Legislative Branch (Congress) Article II - The Executive Branch (President and departments) Article III - The Judicial Branch (US federal courts) Article IV - The States powers in relation to the federal government Article V - Amending the Constitution Article VI - Application of the Constitution (supreme law of the land) Article VII - Ratification of the Constitution
The Supreme Court (Judicial) does not obtain its power from the first article in the US Constitution. The branch of government that gets power from article one is the Legislative branch also known as Congress which is split into two parts called the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The parts of the U. S. Constitution that have to do with the election of the president are Article 2, Section 1, Clauses 2 through 5 and the 12th and 22nd Amendments.